Daily Record

Why are many people with Asian-sounding names joining Labour Party?

Sarwar opponent sparks fury with complaint over surge in new ethnic minority members

- DAVID CLEGG Political Editor

SCOTTISH Labour’s leadership campaign is mired in a racism row after opponents of Anas Sarwar claimed people with “Asian sounding names” were joining the party to back him.

Former deputy leader Sarwar would be the first Muslim leader of any mainstream UK political party if he wins the battle to succeed Kezia Dugdale.

But supporters of his left-wing rival Richard Leonard have complained at the way members of the Asian community are being signed up to the party.

New members who joined up before Monday last week were all given a vote in the election in a move originally thought to benefit Leonard, who has strong support from trade unions.

But the Record has seen a Whatsapp message sent around the Asian community in Glasgow encouragin­g people to join the party to help Sarwar win. And his successful drive for support has spooked his opponents and sparked complaints about the process.

One SNP supporting newspaper quoted a source in the Leonard camp as saying many new sign-ups had “Asian sounding names”.

Labour’s Glasgow Southside branch secretary John Cork quit his post on Sunday after flagging up alleged irregulari­ties, with many applicants using one email address.

Now former Labour candidate Asim Khan has slammed the Leonard camp for briefing against new Asian members.

He said: “My daughter is one of those members who has recently joined the party. She is 15.

“She has joined because she sees the potential of someone with her same ethnic origin becoming the next first minister of Scotland.

“For those older than my daughter, I suspect they too have joined because in Anas Sarwar, they see someone like them – someone with whom they can have an affinity, someone who understand­s what it is like to live as a member of an ethnic minority in Scotland and in Britain today.

“Ethnic minorities are still under-represente­d in all walks of life and especially politics.

“For teenagers like my daughter, we need role models so they can aspire to lead in their communitie­s and positively contribute to society.

“I am disappoint­ed by many of my comrades who are decrying the surge in membership from

Action must be taken against anyone involved in smear against new members SARWAR CAMP

ethnic minorities. Are they suggesting that people from the ethnic minorities should not join the Labour Party?”

A source in the Sarwar camp added: “Jeremy Corbyn has led the drive to encourage people to join Scottish Labour.

“There were no complaints when people joined to vote for Jeremy – but in recent days, some in the party have questioned the number of people with Asian sounding names joining up.

“We are proud to be a diverse party and action must be taken against anyone involved in this smear against new members.”

A spokeswoma­n for the Leonard camp said: “Racism of any kind is not and should not be tolerated.

“We expect complaints to be dealt with by the standard Scottish Labour Party procedure.”

 ??  ?? FACTIONS Sarwar has growing support in Asian community while Leonard is backed by trade unions
FACTIONS Sarwar has growing support in Asian community while Leonard is backed by trade unions
 ??  ??

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