Daily Record

Tributes for St Paul’s death leap girl Lidia


THE young woman who leapt to her death inside St Paul’s Cathedral has been described as “selfless and kind” by her devastated family.

Lidia Dragescu, 23, climbed over safety barriers before falling 100ft to her death from the Whispering Gallery.

The Romanian business student had recently visited the cathedral with her mum Isabella, 44.

She said: “She went to St Paul’s at least once a week. We would go every Sunday.

“When she was alone, she would go there by herself and when she wasn’t happy, it was her favourite place in the city.”

Isabella added: “We are all so upset and her twin brother has told me he will never celebrate his birthday again.

“I have lost my best friend. I don’t have any tears left.

“She was not happy in this world. I just want her back. She had her whole life ahead of her.”

Lidia, who was born in Romania, achieved a 2:1 degree in business at the London campus of Ulster University.

She then used her expertise to found a recruitmen­t company with her mum before enrolling on a biomedical degree.

However, on Wednesday, just weeks after starting the course, Lidia, of Romford, Essex, died at the cathedral.

A family statement read: “Her heart was pure and kind, a soul from another world.

“Her love for us was beyond measure, she was selfless and kind.”

 ??  ?? TRAGEDY Lidia died at St Paul’s Cathedral in London
TRAGEDY Lidia died at St Paul’s Cathedral in London

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