Daily Record

Yes I’m a disgrace ..but I’m no rapist

Accused calls sexual assault claims ‘absolutely abhorrent’

- GRANT McCABE reporters@dailyrecor­d.co.uk

A MAN said to have claimed he suffered from “sexsomnia” during alleged rapes of two women yesterday admitted he is a “disgusting human being”.

But former RAF man Lawrence Barilli said it was “abhorrent” and “ludicrous” to claim he was a rapist.

The 35-year-old was giving evidence at his trial at the High Court in Glasgow.

He is charged with assaulting and raping two women. In their evidence, both claimed they suffered physically and sexually at the hands of Barilli.

One alleged victim recalled how he had sex with her “a couple of hundred times” while she was initially asleep in bed.

Jurors heard both women allege Barilli told them he suffered from a condition called “sexsomnia”.

Barilli was yesterday quizzed by his QC Tony Graham. The lawyer asked if he always had sex with the latter of the two women when she was “awake”. He replied: “Every single time – always when she agreed.”

Mr Graham said Barilli may have treated the woman like a “possession” and “take her sexually” as he wanted.

But the accused told the trial: “It is absolutely ludicrous that she could say something like that.

“Never. Rape is absolutely abhorrent. I am not a rapist.”

He also stated that it was “100 per cent consensual” with the first woman.

Barilli admitted yesterday that he had been physically abusive to both women.

Mr Graham said: “I take it you accept you behaved as an utterly despicable human being?” Barilli replied: “I was an utterly disgusting human being.”

The QC: “Are you a rapist?” He replied: “Never.”

Barilli, of Clydebank, denies the charges. The trial, before Judge Craig Scott QC, continues.

 ??  ?? COURT Lawrence Barilli admits physical abuse but denies rape
COURT Lawrence Barilli admits physical abuse but denies rape

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