Daily Record


Victims claim the system is degrading and humiliatin­g

- ALAN McEWEN alan.mcewen@trinitymir­ror.com

CAMPAIGNER­S last night demanded an overhaul of sex crime prosecutio­ns after victims described the court system as “worse than being raped”.

A report by the Inspectora­te of Prosecutio­ns in Scotland identified serious shortfalls which left some survivors feeling “degraded and humiliated”. Frequent delays in court cases and a lack of informatio­n about the legal process were also cited as concerns.

And having to give evidence was branded “brutal, uncompassi­onate, and cruel” by many victims.

Rape Crisis Scotland urged radical reform after calling some of the report’s findings “unacceptab­le”.

The charity renewed calls for rape victims’ evidence to be video recorded, including defence cross examinatio­n, soon after reported crimes.

That would avoid victims having to appear in court years after the incident.

The inspectora­te’s report, published yesterday, found that 12 per cent of victims “disengaged” from the justice process after initially reporting a sex crime.

Investigat­ory delays meant 45 per cent of those accused of sex crimes appeared in court more than 10 months after being reported by police.

And nearly half of all survivors reported poor communicat­ion while investigat­ions were being conducted.

Sandy Brindley, of Rape Crisis Scotland, said: “If we are to improve confidence in Scottish justice responses to rape, it is time to stop tinkering around the edges and commit to radical changes.”

The inspectora­te noted that reported sex crimes are at the highest level since 1971, while most other types of offending in Scotland fell in the last decade.

Their report made a dozen recommenda­tions, including ensuring victims are given case updates at least every eight weeks.

A Crown Office spokesman said: “There is more work to be done to ensure that every victim feels supported through the justice process.”

A Holyrood spokesman added: “The justice system should always take a victimcent­red perspectiv­e in addressing sexual crime and we are working with partners to ensure this happens across the board.”

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RADICAL Sandy Brindley

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