Daily Record

Salmond Putin himself on collision course with BBC


THE new Alex Salmond show presents me with a viewing challenge. I’d love to watch it but I fear it airs at the same time as re-runs of the evergreen Speaking Our Language with Rhoda MacDonald on BBC Alba.

It’s the viewing battle I’ve dreamed of for years – the beautiful Gaelic Mafia take on the ugly face of the Russian Mafia. I know who’ll win that one.

But Salmond is no loser, he knows what he is doing by taking the Putin rouble.

Hiring himself out to the Kremlinbac­ked propaganda station on the same week RT registered with the US Department of Justice as a “foreign agent” is not a point of irony, it is exactly the point.

Going Slavic instead of going slàinte is a logical extension of the battle Alexei, as we must now address him, has been fighting against the UK media since at least 2012, possibly even earlier.

It was about then, during the London Olympics NHS celebratio­ns, the Queen’s rainy but jubilant Jubilee – all that damn Britishnes­s being beamed into Scottish living rooms – that the SNP leader crystallis­ed his contempt for the most valued British asset, the BBC.

Auntie Beeb is the glue that holds Britain together, the flickering tribal flame which, even in this day of splintered audiences, gathers us around the polished Strictly dancefloor.

It’s not perfect but when it comes to news, the BBC are impartial, politicall­y independen­t and still the most trusted thing about Britain.

So, from the perspectiv­e of the new Soviet hero, they must be destroyed.

To be fair, Salmond did try to dismantle it first, demanding a Scottish Broadcasti­ng Service airing kaleyard kitsch for the glens in the hope viewers turn their back on the Thames and the bass drumbeat of Eastenders. Some hope.

Instead, he must de-legitimise the BBC. He had a fair go at this during the referendum, egging on the lynch mob BBC “bias” mentality as a “joyous” celebratio­n.

He knows he will be attacked for coming under Kremlin “kontrol” but putting himself on a news chatshow pedestal holds a mirror to other broadcaste­rs, underminin­g their credibilit­y in his reflected ego.

Of course, RT are an arm of the Russian state but aren’t the BBC the same thing, ask his useful idiots.

Isn’t the Putin rouble the same currency as the Daily Mail shilling?

Well, the Daily Mail editor is keen on shooting wildlife, I hear, but not as enthusiast­ic as agents of the Russian state when it comes to shooting journalist­s.

There is no equivalenc­e, at all, although for a Pavlovian section of nationalis­t support, the comparison will be legitimate. I read Salmond wrong after 2014. I thought his hand-in-glove role with his successor was as father of the nation, a selfie daddy to all Scots.

Instead, his task is to keep the 45 at 45 degrees centigrade, ready to boil the moment centre ground Sturgeon decides the opportunit­y presents itself again.

It’s demeaning work for a former first-rate politician but in the long game, he thinks this will help crumble the Jericho walls of what makes us British.

Episode one of the Alexi show aired relatively unscathed, interviewi­ng the exiled Catalan independen­ce leader, the nearest thing we have to a 21st-century Prince Charlie.

There is a limited supply of separatist­s to have as guests. Though, as a running theme, some will never tire of Salmond’s trumpet.

 ??  ?? ON THE ATTACK Salmond hosts his show on Russian state television channel RT
ON THE ATTACK Salmond hosts his show on Russian state television channel RT

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