Daily Record

Bullies made my life hell..

but music helped me to write the wrongs Teenager on being the target of fellow pupils after moving to Glasgow and how penning songs about his experience has helped him deal with pain and isolation

- ANNA BURNSIDE anna.burnside@trinitymir­ror.com

STEFAN Durko is a quietly confident 17-year-old who plays guitar and raps. His baseball hat says Step-K, the rap name he prefers to use.

He was not always like this. Stefan was nine when the bullying started. A group of older lads at school would wait until he was on his own, on the stairs or in the corridor. Then the pushing and name-calling began.

He recalled: “Every day I came to school they were calling me gypsy, black gypsy, saying that I’m stinking and that I don’t belong here.”

The Roma teen, originally from Slovakia, had moved to Govanhill in Glasgow with his family.

He had a close group of friends but the bullies found ways to get to Stefan. He said: “They always picked on me when I was alone. When I was with my friends, they weren’t that tough to bully me in front of them.”

He still can’t explain why they picked on him. “I really don’t know. Why me? That was my thought at the time.”

Stefan did his best to cope. He spoke to teachers, who told him that they would intervene but the slurs and threats continued. He got the impression the school was not very interested.

Stefan said: “I told teachers, they said, ‘We’ll get it to stop’, but they didn’t take it really seriously.

“These boys were always pushing me. If I went up or down the stairs, they pushed me and said bad words about me.”

Stefan told his parents but he was aware that they had enough on their plates without worrying about him.

He said: “When mum and dad came home, they were tired from working. I didn’t want them to get stressed.

“They knew about it. One day they came to the school and talked to the teachers. But it still continued all the years I was at the school.”

The bullying went on for two years. Stefan said: “I was hoping I could get out of the school but I couldn’t. Where would I go?”

His siblings noticed something was

up. He said: “I was mostly sad at the time. It was obvious something was going on.

“There was a time my sister came to me and asked what’s wrong, I said, ‘No, nothing, everything’s fine’.

“I thought I should keep it inside me. To say something to others would hurt them.”

By the time Stefan was in primary seven, the bullies had moved on. Life improved.

He went to secondary school and made new friends.

But he didn’t talk to anyone about his horrible experience­s.

He said: “I still had thoughts, I wanted to say it out loud but I never got the chance anywhere, to anyone.”

Then a friend dragged him along to a music session at Youth Community Support Agency in Pollokshie­lds.

Stefan said: “I love music, it’s taken my dad all around the world, playing the accordion. He’s a musician, I took that from him.” Ash Farzan, a community worker with YCSA, suggested he join a rap workshop.

Finally, Stefan found a way to express his feelings.

He recalled: “The thought came to me, ‘What if I could make something to get out, something that’s my own? So I can say something to the world.’ Then I started writing.” Stefan’s first rap, Bully Song, was written on his phone.

A friend from YCSA came up with the beat. Ash – who raps under the name Ashtronomi­k – helped Stefan put it all together.

Stefan said: “I never thought it would come out this well. I could say, ‘Hey, this is my new track, this is my story.’”

Clare McBrien, from YCSA, has seen a huge change in Stefan since he found a way to talk about his experience­s. She said: “When he first started coming, he was disengaged from school and bored. He was shy and reserved.”

Writing and performing changed all that.

Clare added: “His confidence grew, his literacy improved, he started figuring out what he wanted to say.

“Suddenly he had permission to express his emotions.”

Today, Bully Song is on YouTube. Stefan has performed it at one event in Glasgow and hopes to do more.

He’s taking Advanced Higher music, attending classes at the Royal Conservato­ire of Scotland and working on new material.

And if anyone pushed him, or said something hurtful to him now, he’d know what to do. He said: “I would just say what I want, what’s appropriat­e for them. I wouldn’t be quiet now.”

They weren’t tough enough to bully me in front of my friends


 ??  ?? TOUGH LIFE Stefan was pushed and verbally abused by pupils at his school after moving to Glasgow from Slovakia. Pic: Paul Chappells
TOUGH LIFE Stefan was pushed and verbally abused by pupils at his school after moving to Glasgow from Slovakia. Pic: Paul Chappells

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