Daily Record



From Back Page widely recognised as being the No.1 target for IFA chiefs if their current manager Michael O’Neill – who has turned down Sunderland – opts to quit and accept an SFA offer to take charge of Scotland.

Rodgers is adamant the 54-year-old from Belfast is tailor-made for that role.

But the Celtic manager also believes that Wright looks an obvious contender for the vacant job at Ibrox along with fellow candidate Aberdeen manager Derek McInnes.

Rodgers said: “Tommy would be perfect for Northern Ireland if Michael moved on.

“He’d be absolutely brilliant. He’s one who has earned his stripes at St Johnstone in terms of the work he has done there to make them competitiv­e.

“Like the Rangers job, for me, Derek and him would be obvious standouts.

“But I really hope he gets the chance given the work he has done to do it on a bigger stage, wherever that is.”

Rodgers is not in the slightest bit surprised SFA bosses are on the hunt for O’Neill.

The 48-year-old worked miracles to get the Northern Irish to the Euro 2016 finals and within a whisker of making Russia 2018.

Rodgers insists O’Neill should be given time before choosing his next career path and said: “There are a number of candidates who can do the job but it is about what Michael wants to do.

“If you look at the Scotland squad, it is an exciting group of players there that could go forward.

“He has spent six years or so at Northern Ireland and has done a European Championsh­ip and just missed out on a World Cup.

“Their top players over the next few years will move on and I am sure it is one he will think about.

“It is also whether he thinks, after that period of time, does he want to do the day-to-day job and I am sure that is something he would consider.

“I’ve exchanged messages with him. I last spoke to him just before he was ready to call up George Saville. He was asking about him.

“I know George very well because when I was academy director at Reading, I brought him in and when I went to Chelsea I brought him.

“He is a good boy and Michael was asking me all about him.

“Michael has lived in Scotland for a number of years, he has played in Scotland.

“It’s a lot of thinking time and he deserves the respect to take his time and see where he is at.”

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