Daily Record

John never got comfortabl­e carrying a gun after coming over from the UK but he was one of the first to step in when a call of shots fired came in

THOUSANDS MOURN SCOTS COP IN CANADA Tribute to hero killed tackling gunman

- KEITH McLEOD k.mcleod@dailyrecor­d.co.uk

THOUSANDS of mourners have paid tribute to a Scots police officer who was shot and killed in the line of duty.

Expat John Davidson died while trying to arrest a suspect in Canada on November 6. It’s thought his bravery may have stopped a shooter going on the rampage in Abbotsford, British Columbia.

Thousands of police officers attended a memorial service and funeral for John on Sunday.

More than 8000 people attended the service.

Before moving to Canada the 53-year-old dad of three, originally from Hawick, had worked as a police officer in England for 24 years.

Abbotsford Police Department said John had been responding to a report that shots were being fired from a stolen vehicle.

Police chief Bob Rich said: “When that shot rang out, evil won. I cannot imagine a darker thing to have happen to us.

“That man’s evil intentions, I totally believe, were to kill more of us. There was going to be a rampage in the city.”

John’s police partner, Renea Williams, said: “He was tough, but more than fair. That was evident by the number of people I have seen shake his hand after getting a ticket.

“For a man who hated guns and never became comfortabl­e carrying a gun after coming over from the UK, he was one of the first to step in and intervene when a call of shots fired came in.”

His daughter Dina said her father always managed t o keep wo rk separate from family life.

Her sister Fay said it would be “agonising” to picture a life without her father’s guidance and support.

A 65-year-old homeless man was arrested and charged with John’s murder.

Abbotsford Police Department said it had lost “an amazing colleague and friend who died in the line of duty”.

On their website, the force said: “Our community lost a hero. John was a dedicated police officer who devoted so much of his time to connecting with the community and helping kids.”

He was formerly an officer with Northumbri­a Police, whose acting chief constable Winton Keenen said: “We were very saddened to learn of the death of our former colleague who died bravely in the line of duty.

The man’s intentions were to kill more of us. There was going to be a rampage BOB RICH

“Our thoughts are very much with his family, friends and former colleagues at this difficult time.

“Today many of our officers who knew John well during his career with us and kept in touch with him over the ensuing years are shocked by the events in Canada.

“We all want to express our sincere condolence­s to his family at this tragic news.”

Police chief Rich added: “We ask our police officers when someone is putting people’s lives in danger, when there is an active shooter, we no longer wait for cover, we no longer set up teams, the first person in, goes.

“John Davidson was the first person in and away he went and he died protecting you and me.”

John won plaudits for his work in reducing teenage deaths on the roads, an awareness campaign around the dangers of ecstasy and for catching drink drivers.

He’d recently completed a fundraisin­g bike ride with other officers for research into cancer.

 ??  ?? ANGUISH Mourners turned out to pay their respects to John, originally from Hawick
ANGUISH Mourners turned out to pay their respects to John, originally from Hawick
 ??  ?? SOLEMN Cortege files past lines of mounties paying tribute to 53-year-old Scot
SOLEMN Cortege files past lines of mounties paying tribute to 53-year-old Scot
 ??  ?? HERO John Davidson
HERO John Davidson
 ??  ?? POIGNANT John’s son Drew and, from left, his sisters Fay and Dina stand with their mum Denise
POIGNANT John’s son Drew and, from left, his sisters Fay and Dina stand with their mum Denise

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