Daily Record

Coleen says


THERE are plenty of other men who are loving, kind and don’t have addiction issues – why choose your cousin?

Maybe you’re not soulmates, maybe you just feel close and have lots in common because you’re related.

You don’t say whether you’re first or second cousins but it’s not illegal to marry.

However, I think you ought to take your daughter’s feelings into account.

She’s clearly worried about the wider effect on your family and also what other people might think of the situation.

She can see how it could divide a family, so why can’t you? You both have to think very carefully about the consequenc­es.

Also, it’s easy for lines to get blurred if you’re close and you’ve both come out of bad relationsh­ips, but in reality it might not be the real deal at all. It sounds as if you both found each other at a vulnerable time in your lives.

Why not just be great friends? Why does it have to go any further than that?

I’D LIKE to address the letter from the teenager who feels she doesn’t fit in at school (Dear Coleen, November 9). I felt the same at high school and was pretty miserable but when I got to university I found I did fit in. Once you have the opportunit­y to meet a more diverse group of people, you’ll find your place.

Izzy, via email

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