Daily Record


Davidson says she wants free-trade agreement with EU

- DAVID CLEGG Political Editor

RUTH Davidson yesterday insisted she would oppose a No Deal Brexit despite Tory claims it would be better than a bad deal.

The Scottish Tory leader said she would not back a hard Brexit that left the UK reliant on World Trade Organisati­on rules, which would mean costly tariffs on the import and export of goods between us and the European Union.

Davidson’s position could put her on a collision course with Prime Minister Theresa May if the Brexit talks hit difficulti­es.

The Edinburgh Central MSP – who campaigned for Remain in the 2016 referendum – told ITV’s Peston on Sunday she accepts the UK will be leaving the EU single market and customs union.

But she said she wanted the softest Brexit possible. She added: “What I want is to make sure that we’ve got a comprehens­ive free-trade agreement with the EU.

“That we’re able to, in the Prime Minister’s words, trade with and operate within, to the maximum possible extent, the single market. I think that’s right for Scottish businesses, for UK businesses.

“But I also accept the idea that if we are going to leave the EU then as well as getting a trade deal with the EU, we should be able to get trade deals with other countries too.”

And asked if it was possible the UK cabinet could decide on a policy she couldn’t support, Davidson said: “Certainly. Falling out on WTO rules would not be something that I think would be in the benefit of my constituen­cy in Edinburgh or in the country as it is.

“But I don’t think anybody’s working to a No Deal scenario.

“Nobody, whether they’re me or a Leaver like Boris Johnson wants to see lorries stacked up at Dover. We want to make sure that facilitati­ons are made for UK companies to succeed.”

 ??  ?? LEAVER Boris Johnson
LEAVER Boris Johnson

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