Daily Record

The long journey to create wonder drug


MANY people benefit from new drug treatments for cancer but few are aware of the long, expensive and often frustratin­g journey from discovery to dosing.

That journey starts in the head of a scientist and travels through lab experiment­s, animal studies and tests in human volunteers, to its first tentative dosing in patients.

Then on to more extensive trials in larger numbers of patients until enough safety and efficacy data has been gathered to support a licence, allowing doctors to prescribe it.

Even then the final destinatio­n hasn’t been reached. Once a drug has been licensed, so-called “phase IV” clinical trials are necessary to get approval for use on the NHS. Phew!

Cancer Research UK are involved in supporting the scientists who process cancer drugs every step of the way.

Thanks to their funding, more cancer drugs are being used to their full potential, revolution­ising treatment and boosting survival.

The first is tamoxifen, to which many breast cancer patients owe their lives.

About seven in every 10 of the almost 55,000 women diagnosed with breast cancers in the UK are classified as “oestrogen receptor-positive” also called “ER-positive”.

This means the tumours grow in response to the hormone oestrogen, which circulates in the bloodstrea­m. Being dependent on oestrogen makes ER-positive cancers sensitive to drugs like tamoxifen, which block oestrogen from nourishing cancer cells.

Tamoxifen works like a broken key in a lock – it sticks to the oestrogen receptor, preventing the normal “key” (oestrogen) from fitting any more, stopping the tumour in its tracks. It’s a “targeted treatment” for ER-positive breast cancer cells. But how did tamoxifen reach NHS patients?

This is where Cancer Research UK stepped in. They helped researcher­s put together all the clinical trials of tamoxifen, pinpointin­g its overall benefits for different age groups of women, and the best dosing schedules to give them.

By 1988, the CRUK-funded group had pooled the results of 28 tamoxifen trials, involving more than 16,000 participan­ts, and showed that women over the age of 50 treated with tamoxifen had much better outcomes than those given chemothera­py.

Further research showed tamoxifen was just as potent alone as it was in combinatio­n with chemo, saving months of unnecessar­y side effects – and more beneficial given for two years rather than one.

Now we know five years is better than two, at lower doses.

As a result almost two-thirds of women will probably survive their breast cancer for 20-plus years. And tamoxifen can now be prescribed for prevention in high-risk women.

 ??  ?? Many women owe their lives to tamoxifen
Many women owe their lives to tamoxifen

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