Daily Record



scored another hat-trick to take his tally for the season to 15, with Alfredo Morelos netting his 16th goal of the campaign and Jamie Murphy also on target.

Murty insists there is still so much more to come from his star men but acknowledg­ed Rangers must buckle up at the back if they are to deliver on their potential this season.

He said: “I told the players before the game they’d been handed a chance to go second and couldn’t turn it down.

“It was vital we backed up what happened to Aberdeen at Hibs with a good result of our own.

“We don’t want second at this stage of the season to be the highlight of our careers – we want it to be a stepping stone to where we want to go.

“I would have enjoyed the game if I was a neutral. There were good goals scored and some fantastic creativity.

“We were too slack and lax in the first half but I’m trying really hard to take the positives. We scored five and moved second.

“We are now showing a clinical nature to our game and that’s what we need to take points when they’re on offer.”

Rangers have knocked back two bids from Beijing Renhe for Morelos that could have netted them up to £7.5million but contrary to reports the Chinese have not come in with another big-money offer.

That suits Murty who has hailed the impact of the Colombian and Windass, who celebrated his new contract with his ninth goal in five games.

Murty said: “They are young, maturing and there is still more to come from them.

“If another bid comes in for Alfredo we will deal with it. I’m fairly relaxed about it because I can always refuse it.

“Alfredo knows our position. He is focused and you could see that against Hamilton.

“It’s the same with Josh. He has the qualities we require to get to where we want to be as a club.”

Accies boss Martin Canning rued the defensive frailties of his side that prevented them building on the opener from Darren Lyon after just five minutes.

He said: “If someone had said to me before the game we would score three against Rangers I would have expected to take something from it.

“But when you defend like we did today it makes it hard. Four of their five goals were avoidable. We were defensivel­y poor.”

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ON THE DEFENSIVE Canning Brued Accies’ eSrrors back

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