Daily Record


- AMANDA KEENAN a.keenan@dailyrecor­d.co.uk

COLLEEN McCudden smoked cannabis while still at primary school and took her first ecstasy tablet aged 11.

By the time she was old enough to vote, she had already tried to take her own life twice – once by throwing herself off a bridge.

As a child, she simply saw too much.

Every day after school she would sit numb in the back of her dad’s car while he injected heroin, then franticall­y talk to keep him from losing consciousn­ess at the wheel.

Raised by parents gripped by addiction, she was dragged into a chaotic maelstrom of drugs and despair.

Later, she became homeless after leaving her boyfriend.

But against the odds, talented footballer Colleen, who was picked to represent Scotland in the women’s Homeless World Cup last year, has now turned her life around.

And she is about to receive an Inspiratio­nal Young Woman Award to honour her achievemen­ts.

Describing her upbringing, she said: “My parents were both functionin­g addicts and I witnessed a lot.

“Mum walked out when I was young and I didn’t see much of her. Dad would pick me up from school and drive to Glasgow so he could score heroin.

“He would buy me a treat afterwards, probably because he felt guilty. Sometimes he’d be so out of it that he would almost pass out at the wheel.

“I’d try to talk to him to keep him awake. I just thought it was normal and that everyone’s childhood was like that.

“At home, I wasn’t allowed in certain rooms because that’s where dad took drugs. He’d be all over the place but I never knew any different.”

When Colleen, from Glasgow, was 16, her father Donald passed away and things went from bad to worse.

Her life fell apart as her education became an afterthoug­ht and alcohol and drugs came to the fore.

The trauma drove her into the arms of an abusive boyfriend.

She said: “I was at breaking point and all of my confidence was gone. I was made to feel totally worthless.

“My ex would bite me, pull me off chairs and try to humiliate me in all different types of ways. At the worst, he put a cigarette out in my face and hit me with a bottle.

“I hoped he would change but I had to get away before things got worse. He would drink a lot and I waited until he passed out and left.

“Things got so bad I took an overdose of pills and when that didn’t work, I tried to throw myself off a bridge. Thankfully, a cyclist spotted me and talked me out of it.”

After leaving her boyfriend, Colleen, now 25, found herself

I went from broken to someone who believes she can do anything COLLEEN

sleeping in a shelter.

She would take drugs to cope and blur out grim reality – but refused to try heroin because of the effect it had on her parents.

Colleen said: “It’s the one drug I stayed away from. I saw what it did to my mum and dad and I didn’t want to become a junkie.

“I’d smoke cannabis and take ecstasy and Valium to boost my confidence. For four years, my life spiralled out of control.

“I’d drink heavily and spend most of my days in a haze. I was depressed and didn’t know where to turn ”

Colleen was finally able to start rebuilding her life after she became involved with Action for Children’s GEN R 8, who help support young people affected by homelessne­ss.

The charity helped Colleen settle into her own flat and quit drugs. She also went to Oslo for the Homeless World Cup. She said: “They gave me the tools to better myself and stood by me while I sorted myself out.

“For the first time in my life, I was able to trust people and open up about my problems.

“I’d hit rock bottom and things had to change. If they hadn’t, I dread to think where I’d be now.

“Going to Oslo was a fantastic experience and it made me realise my potential. I met so many inspiratio­nal people and received a FIFA Fair Play Award, which was a really proud moment.

“I’ve got so much to live for and now I just want to focus on the future. I won’t allow my past to keep holding me back.”

Action For Children Scotland have now honoured Colleen with the Inspiratio­nal Young Woman Award and also arranged a makeover for the Woman of Influence awards ceremony.

The event next month recognises women in Scotland who have had an outstandin­g impact and are role models to the disadvanta­ged children, young people and families the charity support.

Since 2001, the event has raised more than £1.1million to support youngsters in need across Scotland.

Colleen added: “I’m proof that anyone can turn their life around with the right help and support.

“The award is testament to how far I’ve come. My life has changed for the better. I have my own flat, pay my own bills and I’m proud of what I’ve achieved.

“I don’t regret any of what I went through because it made me the strong person I am today.

“I’d like to help troubled youngsters because I know what it’s like to struggle with addiction.

“Hopefully my story shows people you don’t have to become a product of your environmen­t. Sometimes we all need support.

“I was at my lowest point after losing my dad. I felt so hopeless and thought my life was over.

“Now I have an amazing life. I went from a broken person to someone who believes she is capable of anything. If I can change, then anyone can.”

 ??  ?? FLYING THE FLAG With Saltire face paint at the championsh­ips in Oslo
FLYING THE FLAG With Saltire face paint at the championsh­ips in Oslo
 ??  ?? TALENT Colleen in action, above, and, below, lifting her award
TALENT Colleen in action, above, and, below, lifting her award
 ??  ?? PROUD Colleen kisses her Fair Play award
PROUD Colleen kisses her Fair Play award

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