Daily Record

Students ‘needto broaden horizons’

Research shows job prospect improve with time overseas


UK STUDENTS are being urged to spend time abroad as part of their studies in order to boost their future job prospects.

Responses from more than 300 organisati­ons in a CBI/Pearson Education and Skills survey found 70 per cent of those polled felt that future employees need internatio­nal skills to succeed.

Of those who took part in the survey, 47 per cent of employers were dissatisfi­ed with graduates’ lack of foreign language skills, while 39 per cent were unhappy with graduates’ lack of internatio­nal and cultural awareness.

The research also showed that UK students who study abroad are nine per cent more likely to gain a 1st or 2:1 degree at university and 24 per cent were less likely to be unemployed.

To find out more, Teaching Abroad Direct observed a survey conducted by The Economist Intelligen­ce Unit (EIU) involving more than 1000 global graduates.

And the data showed that just 62 per cent of UK students said they had opportunit­ies to study abroad, compared with 87 per cent of German and 81 per cent of American graduates.

Teaching Abroad spokesman Andrew Lynch said: “In a time of stark global growth, British students cannot afford to be complacent and reliant on the skills that come naturally to them.

“To thrive, they should seek to challenge themselves. There is no richer way to do this than to embark on studying or working abroad.

“A placement will provide you with an opportunit­y to thrive, boost employabil­ity, improve language skills and extend expertise in your chosen field.

“If you take teaching abroad as an example, aspiring teachers can improve their understand­ing and empathy working with different cultures.

“This will deliver vital experience to a career where you never know who you will have to teach from one day to the next.”

Find out more at www.teachingab­roaddirect.co.uk/blog

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BOOST Going to study abroad for a while can help students to thrive

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