Daily Record

Hate has no place in our party


IT HAS been an upsetting few weeks for members of the Labour Party.

The vast majority of us are struggling with the hurt, and shame, of the stain of antisemiti­sm from a minority of our members.

Anti-semitism has no place in our party or society, and must be stamped out.

It’s quite clear that the Labour Party have not done enough to tackle the problem.

But we can’t just talk about the unacceptab­ility of antisemiti­sm, we must also take action.

We have a huge task ahead of us to make amends and repair the damage with the Jewish community.

I am pleased that the Labour branch in Eastwood have invited the Jewish Labour Movement to deliver training on anti-semitism for local members – something that should be replicated across the country.

Eastwood members will also consider formally adopting the Internatio­nal Holocaust Remembranc­e Alliance definition of anti-semitism, and they are writing to local leaders of the Jewish community expressing shame, anger and solidarity, and apologisin­g that our party has let them down.

Sadly, this approach has not been adopted by all local branches, with some appearing to suggest the outcry is an attempt to undermine the leadership.

What undermines our cause are the abhorrent views held by some in our party towards the Jewish community.

For too long, too many party members have been involved in defending the indefensib­le.

It is our responsibi­lity to deal with the issues in our party here and now.

I join with those who are determined not to shirk that responsibi­lity.

 ??  ?? DEMO Against anti-semitism
DEMO Against anti-semitism

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