Daily Record


Scientists discover 170million-year-old footprints of giant sauropods on Skye

- MARK WAGHORN reporters@dailyrecor­d.co.uk

DInOSaURS bigger than a double decker bus roamed Skye 170million years ago, according to scientists.

Dozens of footprints belonging to early sauropods – the largest animals ever to walk the planet – have been unearthed in a lagoon at Brothers’ Point on the island’s Trotternis­h peninsula.

The discovery adds to evidence that the prehistori­c beasts were widespread on Skye at a vital time in their evolution.

It also suggests that far from being strict landlubber­s as once assumed, they spent long spells in water.

The footprints were up to 15in long and the dinosaurs were identified by their claws.

Dr Steve Brusatte, a geoscienti­st at Edinburgh University who led the field team, said: “We can tell they were made by sauropods – fairly primitive ones. They would have been among the first species of truly colossal sauropods that lived on Earth.

“They were probably more than 49ft long and weighed more than 10 ton.

“It appears as if these tracks were made in shallow water, so the dinosaurs look like they were probably wading.

“It’s hard to say exactly why these dinosaurs were in the lagoon. Maybe there was abundant food there or maybe it was a safe place to hide from predators.”

Sauropods evolved to reach 164ft and weigh as much as 77 ton – 14 times as heavy as an African elephant.

The latest sauropod footprints are slightly older than ones found at nearby Duntulm three years ago.

 ??  ?? STEP BACK IN TIME One of the prints found on Skye. They measured up to 15in PREHISTORI­C BEAST The sauropod evolved to weigh 14 times as much as an elephant
STEP BACK IN TIME One of the prints found on Skye. They measured up to 15in PREHISTORI­C BEAST The sauropod evolved to weigh 14 times as much as an elephant

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