Daily Record

2-minute DIYhealth checks thatcould helpsave yourlife


EYES THEY’RE not just a window to the soul – or a sign you’ve been burning the candle at both ends. Pull down your bottom lid and look underneath – if it appears pale, rather than pink, it could be a sign you’re anaemic.

The condition, most commonly caused by an iron deficiency, results in unusual tiredness, headaches and other symptoms suffered by about four million British women.

Next, look at the whites of your eyes – if they’ve turned yellowish you could have jaundice, where your liver can’t deal with the red blood cell turnover. Jaundice is linked to a host of underlying diseases.

Spots and scratches on the cornea, the transparen­t front of the eyeball, can be the first sign of herpes or shingles.

Those grey rings around your eyes – especially if you’re in your 20s – could be an early warning of high cholestero­l, so get your GP to take a test as soon as possible. MOUTH IT’S no wonder your doc often asks to see your tongue when you’re feeling under the weather. White spots on the back of the tongue and the inside of the cheek are a warning sign of the yeast infection thrush.

Check for any lumps or ulcers that don’t heal within a few weeks – these could be the first signs of oral cancer, which is a growing problem in the under-45s and for those who smoke or drink heavily.

Frequent mouth ulcers and bleeding gums are also linked to diabetes, anaemia and vitamin C deficiency. And as well as being a sign of pregnancy, inflamed and bleeding gums are a symptom of gingivitis, linked to heart disease as well as destroying the fibres that hold your teeth in place. FEET COLD feet and dry skin suggest poor circulatio­n, while hot, sweaty feet can indicate a glandular imbalance, weakening your immune system and contributi­ng to weight gain.

Athlete’s foot and fungal growths under toenails can be a sign of candida albicans, a yeast growth in the gut that can harm the immune system.

Diabetics should check their feet regularly for cuts, sores and infection – they often have circulatio­n problems in their toes and may develop serious ulcers, occasional­ly leading to amputation. NAILS BITTEN stumps that suggest you have shredded nerves are just the tip of the iceberg. Flaky, split and ridged nails can be a sign of nutritiona­l deficienci­es and can suggest you’re not absorbing nutrients from your food.

Splitting nails, meanwhile, can show a lack of essential fatty acids which help protect against heart disease and arthritis, while white patches often indicate a zinc deficiency.

Take a closer look at your nails’ colour – a blue tint is a sign of circulator­y disorders such as Raynaud’s disease, half pink and half white nails point towards kidney issues, while lung diseases show as a yellowy thickening of the nail.

Diabetes may lead to yellowish nails with a slight blush at the base.

Sometimes all it takes to stay healthy is a little observatio­n – and clues can be found in some unusual places

SKIN IF you’re over 25 and notice more spots on your face, you could have a hormone imbalance leading to ovarian cysts or pelvic inflammato­ry disease.

And that Rudolph-red nose could have less to do with drink than acne rosacea – a type of acne that affects your face, way beyond the teens.

If you are fair-skinned, sunbathe or have a family history of skin cancer, check your moles. If they suddenly start to grow, have become darker or have started to bleed, speak to your GP to check that it’s not skin cancer. BREATH WHIFFY breath is an indicator of gum disease – causing teeth to fall out as well as raising risks of heart disease.

Bad breath is easy to test for. Lick your wrist with the back of your tongue and move it forward across your wrist. Leave the saliva to dry for 10 seconds then smell for any unpleasant odours.

Diabetics often have breath that smells like pear drops, whereas kidney disease patients often have breath that smells like urine.

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