Daily Record

The missiles are coming..

»»America vows to smash Syria over chemical attack »»May could join US strikes .. but she faces call for calm


FEARS of war last night grew as Russia and the US traded threats over the horrific Syrian chemical attack.

Donald Trump warned Vladimir Putin he would unleash missiles on Bashar al-Assad in revenge for the strike on rebel-held Douma that killed 70 people, including children.

And Theresa May took a step closer to bringing the UK into war by declaring “we will be working with our closest allies to consider how we can ensure that those responsibl­e are held to account”.

But, during a dramatic and potentiall­y deadly display of machismo by Trump and Putin, others called for calm and warned the PM not to rush into action without at least a vote by MPs.

Moscow vowed to attack any planes and ships that launched strikes on Syria. Its ambassador to Lebanon, Alexander Zasypkin, said: “If there is a strike by the Americans then ... the missiles will be downed and even the sources from which the missiles were fired.”

That was called a “threat of war” by a former UK military chief. In response to the warning, Trump tweeted: “Russia vows to shoot down any and all missiles fired at Syria. Get ready Russia, they will be coming, nice and new and ‘smart’.”

And in a dig at Moscow’s support for the Assad regime, he added: “You shouldn’t be partners with a Gas Killing Animal who kills his people and enjoys it.

“Our relationsh­ip with Russia is worse now than it has ever been, and that includes the Cold War.”

May did not blame Assad directly for the chemical attack, but she said: “All the indication­s are that the Syrian regime was responsibl­e.” After a visit to a Sikh centre in Walsall, the PM added: “The use of chemical weapons cannot go unchalleng­ed.” The Cabinet is expected to meet today to discuss how to respond. Former UK Joint Forces Commander General Sir Richard Barrons said of Mr Zasypkin’s threat: “What he is saying is if the US and allies decide to strike against Syria, they are going to try to sink ships, sink submarines and shoot aircraft out of the sky… that’s war.” The Organisati­on for the Prohibitio­n of Chemical Weapons yesterday confirmed inspectors would travel to Douma to investigat­e – despite Russia vetoing US-led claims for checks. And Shadow Justice Secretary Richard Burgon urged May to let them carry out their task before deciding on action. He said: “We are in dangerous times. Military interventi­on could escalate rapidly. Those beating the drums of war need to step back and let the OPCW do their job.”

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and Lib Dem chief Sir Vince Cable both called for a vote by MPs on any airstrikes. Mr Corbyn said: “Parliament should always be given a say on military action.”

Sir Vince added: “We don’t want a hot war between the US and Russia.

“There must be a debate and vote ahead of any military action.”

May has no legal requiremen­t to consult MPs. But there is a convention that unless it is an emergency response, Parliament should take a vote.

However, as MPs are on Easter breaks, some Tories have urged the PM to disregard the convention. One, Sarah Wollaston, said: “It’s time to act.”

But Sweden’s UN Ambassador said any military action “has to abide by internatio­nal law”.

 ??  ?? TALKS Mrs May last night
TALKS Mrs May last night

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