Daily Record

Moscow spy: Send Brit aircraft carriers to bottom


Whiteman Airbase, Missouri Weaponry: Nuclear bombs, AGM-129 ACM cruise missile, Massive Ordnance Penetrator antibunker bomb Cost: $737million RANTING Anna Chapman Weaponry: Four 9M96E antiaircra­ft missiles Cost: $400 million RUSSIAN spy Anna Chapman called for Moscow to sink Britain’s two new £6billion aircraft carriers if conflict breaks out.

She also suggested that London could be targeted.

Chapman, 36 – who was unmasked by the FBI and was a “sleeper” agent in the UK – said HMS Queen Elizabeth and HMS Prince of Wales should be in the Kremlin’s sights.

She said: “If there is an open military conflict between Russia and USA in Syria, our attacks should be aimed not only at American ships and Currently en route to the Middle East Weaponry: 90 fixedwing and rotary aircraft including F/A-18 Hornets, E-2C Hawkeyes and EA-6B Prowlers Cost: $6.2billion planes. The British recently launched two new warships – aircraft carriers.

“If something unpleasant happens to them – like sinking to the bottom – the British aristocrac­y will come to its senses very fast.”

She claimed the West were “turning themselves inside out making Russia use its military force just somewhere – in Donbass [eastern Ukraine], in London, in Syria”.

Chapman, formerly married to a British ex-public schoolboy, had her UK passport cancelled by Theresa May TARGET Queen Elizabeth Al Udeid Air Base, Oman Weaponry: GBU-32 JDAM Joint Direct Attack Munition, M61a2 Vulcan 20mm cannon Cost: $150million when she was Home Secretary in 2010 after she was revealed to be a spy. She was later a model and TV presenter, and has made millions from fashion boutiques.

She was expelled from the US in a spy swap with, among others, Sergei Skripal, who she recently branded a “traitor”.

On the recent Syria chemical weapons attack, she said the US State Department has “straightfo­rwardly accused Russia – as the country that protects ‘the criminal regime’ in Damascus”.

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