Daily Record


Tribute to Eric helped Wright get back on winning trail

- by Craig Swan

Peter Wright is ready to put an emotional start to the Unibet Premier League behind him and relaunch his bid for London’s O2.

The Scotland World Cup star has endured a traumatic first half to his campaign.

Wright struggled badly with poor form as three successive 7-1 defeats pushed him to the brink of relegation.

Snakebite survived last week but even that minor victory was overshadow­ed by the death of Eric Bristow just moments before he walked on to the stage in Liverpool.

Wright said: “It was a big shock. I found out just before my game so it was very emotional for me. The crowd were so amazing, singing his name and that’s what got me going.

“It was an emotional night but I just concentrat­ed on trying to stay in the Premier League.”

With the turbulent times hopefully behind him, Wright now wants a super-charged run in the second stage as he bids for an unlikely play-off slot next month.

Tonight offers a chance to get back into contention with two matches in Sheffield. Wright faces Gary Anderson in the second match of the evening before tackling Raymond van Barneveld.

Back-to-back wins will revive his hopes and he said: “I’m confident going forward. I’ve got hard games but I know I can win them and I think I’ll qualify for the O2.

“The first half of the season was something to forget. I had two good performanc­es, one against Michael van Gerwen and the draw against Gary who was winning everything at the time.

“But I have to forget all of that now and move on to the rest of the season. Winning obviously helps and the averages are starting to get back towards the 100 mark. It’s definitely getting there.

“Some of my performanc­es have been annoying but that’s darts and you just have to get on with it. The plan is to keep picking up the wins.

“I know I’m capable of beating the top players so I have to keep believing.

“Raymond and Gary are great players and I have to look at Sheffield like I would a European Tour or some of the big TV events.

“Two top players in one night and the only way to get what you want is by beating them all. It’s starting to come together and I’m looking forward to the rest of the Premier League season.”

 ??  ?? eMOTiONal Wright was moved by tribute to Bristow, inset
eMOTiONal Wright was moved by tribute to Bristow, inset

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