Daily Record

May to blame for Brexit shambles


REMEMBER when Brexit meant Brexit?

Nearly two years on and still no one has the faintest clue what that absurd statement even hints at.

Today, the inability of the Tories to figure out what they – or the country – really want comes back to haunt them. Again.

Barring a miracle, MSPs of every party except the Tories will vote to refuse consent for the UK Government’s EU Withdrawal Bill.

This is a balls-up of Theresa May’s own creation, backed by Ruth Davidson. Neither leader should feel proud of this. Holyrood will say “no” to the UK Government, leaving May in a tricky position. All that’s left is for May to capitulate, which isn’t going to happen.

Or she will have to ride roughshod over the convention that Westminste­r will only decide on devolved issues by consent.

Last night, Nicola Sturgeon made it clear she will not allow the devolution settlement to be so easily dismissed.

The First Minister also made it plain that May will spark a constituti­onal crisis for the whole UK if she ignores Holyrood.

It’s another layer of chaos on the Brexit pile. There’s still time to end this deadlock, but it looks unlikely anyone will blink.

With the definition of Brexit still up for grabs, it now looks like devolution is being rewritten too. And that should only be done with Scotland’s consent.

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