Daily Record

Legal help for stalker victims

Bill bids to fast-track protection orders

- BY DAVID CLEGG Political Editor

STALKING victims will get easier access to legal help to stop the harassment under plans unveiled by an MSP yesterday.

The SNP’s Mairi Gougeon announced details of a Holyrood member’s bill that would create a new form of protection order designed to clamp down on stalkers.

The move follows a number of high-profile cases where victims complained they had been abandoned by the authoritie­s.

Our sister paper the Sunday Mail told last month how the Scottish victim of a plotter who threatened to bomb Harrods has had CCTV installed after being told he has been freed.

David Williamson twice kept Kate Hall captive in her own home, threatenin­g her with a knife and an airgun on separate occasions during a 30-year reign of terror.

The thug has left an English prison having completed a sentence for a threat to blow up landmarks and tourist sites in London.

But Kate says she is now terrified he will turn up at her home in Kirkcaldy.

Stalking victims can currently apply to a civil court for a non-harassment order, the breach of which is a criminal offence.

But Angus North and Mearns MSP Gougeon told the Record the process can be lengthy and cost money.

Her proposed bill would create stalking protection orders, which would allow police to apply to court for a protection order on behalf of a victim of stalking.

This would mean vulnerable victims would not have to take legal action through the courts, which may be at their own expense if they do not qualify for legal aid.

Gougeon – who’s confident the plans will win majority support in Parliament – said: “It means that if the police feel that someone is in danger, then the police can apply for that. That would be a faster process but it also saves on the cost, which can prevent a lot of people from taking out one of these orders.

“I don’t think there should be financial barriers in place for people to feel protected and to feel safe. That is what this protection order would be looking to do.”

Ann Moulds, founder and CEO of Action Against Stalking, added: “Stalking is a criminal matter and the police have a duty to ensure victim safety and protection from ongoing abuse at the earliest possible stage.

“This cannot be achieved under the current system. I am delighted Mairi Gougeon is addressing this gap in the law and provisions for victims of stalking and fully support the introducti­on of a stalking protection bill.”

Since anti-stalking laws came into force eight years ago, the number of cases investigat­ed has trebled.

Figures from a Scottish Crime Survey last year show that one in six people may have been stalked.

And there were 679 conviction­s for stalking in Scottish courts last year.

The Scottish Crime and Justice Survey 2014-15 found that the reporting rate for stalking and harassment is low compared to other crimes.

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ACCESS Mairi Gougeon

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