Daily Record

They can’t get close to Broony


BY MICHAEL GANNON MARK WILSON reckons Scott Brown’s rivals are resorting to rough house tactics because they can’t get near the Celtic captain on the pitch.

The former Hoops ace winced when he saw Graeme Shinnie’s wild challenge become the latest entry in the hall of shame against the Parkhead skipper.

Aberdeen’s Sam Cosgrove and Ross County’s Andrew Davies were sent off for brutal tackles on him while Steven Naismith copped a two-game ban for going in recklessly at Hearts.

Aberdeen enforcer Shinnie went in late on Brown’s ankle in Sunday’s 1-0 win for the Dons in Glasgow.

Afterwards Shinnie said: “They weren’t happy with it but I’ve been on the receiving end of many of them in my time. What goes around, comes around.”

But Wilson – speaking to promote Brown’s testimonia­l against the Republic of Ireland on Sunday – said: “When you are saying things like that it’s oversteppi­ng the mark.

“That you’re going out potentiall­y to try to hurt him with such a big game coming up. It’s a bit naughty but Scott takes it well. After the Cosgrove challenge he got up and did that jig. He tackles hard himself and dishes stuff out but takes it well when he gets it back.

“But the tackle on Sunday was a shocker. People say it was a nothing game for Celtic but that could have put him out of the Scottish Cup Final.

“They are now tallying up and you see how bad they are. I don’t know if people just want to try to get near him because he’s been on such a high level, no midfielder has really touched him this season.”

Brown riles up rival players and fans and is public enemy No.1 at Old Firm foes Rangers.

But old Parkhead team-mate Wilson said: “He epitomises everything Rangers have been missing. Fight, desire, leadership – he’s got everything they need.

“That’s probably why they don’t like him – but they’d take him in a minute. I don’t think Scott would be too quick to go though!”

 ??  ?? SORE POINT Brown rages at Shinnie after wild tackle
SORE POINT Brown rages at Shinnie after wild tackle
 ??  ?? MARK THE DATE Wilson

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