Daily Record

Moped gang terror of McIntyre’s son

Muggers smashed car 20 times


MICHAEL McIntyre and his 11-yearold son cowered in terror as moped thieves smashed their car window 20 times with a hammer.

The comic’s son was in the passenger seat as two thugs attacked their Range Rover outside his north London school, it emerged yesterday.

McIntyre, 42, was seen hugging his son to comfort him after the terrifying attack on Monday.

A pal said the star was “lucky to escape serious injury” and the £120,000 vehicle’s tough window glass may have saved him.

The friend added: “Thank God for the laminated glass – it could easily have been a lot worse.

“You can only begin to imagine how terrifying the ordeal was. They must have hit the glass 20 times.”

It is understood the thieves were only able to grab McIntyre’s £15,000 Rolex when he opened the door and they ripped it off him.

Loose Women star Jane Moore, whose husband is McIntyre’s publicist, said: “They probably targeted him because he had a child in his car, because as a parent you’re not going to take anybody on, you’re going to say, ‘Have whatever you want, don’t hurt me or my child’.” She added: “Somebody please do something about these gangs.” McIntyre’s wife Kitty said the star was “fine”. The black Range Rover was towed away from the family’s home in north-west London yesterday. A woman of 24 was in a critical condition last night after two moped thugs attacked her a few miles away in Edgware, hours after McIntyre’s attack. She suffered head injuries after struggling with the passenger, who punched her to the ground and took her phone and bag. Detective Sergeant Richard Lewsley said: “We need to catch them before they strike again.” There were over 19,385 “moped enabled” crimes in London from January to September last year, an average 53 a day. Police are using UV sprays, mobile stingers and more lightweigh­t motorbikes to curb it. Police chief Cressida Dick said: “We are stemming the rise but I want sustained reductions.”

 ??  ?? WE’RE SAFE McIntyre hugs son after attack
WE’RE SAFE McIntyre hugs son after attack
 ??  ?? TRASHED Range Rover is towed from home yesterday. Inset, damage to the door
TRASHED Range Rover is towed from home yesterday. Inset, damage to the door
 ??  ?? DOING FINE Kitty yesterday and Michael, top
DOING FINE Kitty yesterday and Michael, top
 ??  ?? TRAUMA We revealed the star’s ordeal yesterday
TRAUMA We revealed the star’s ordeal yesterday

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