Daily Record

Heathrow has bumpy takeoff

3rd runway go-ahead sparks Tory scrap


HEATHROW airport’s third runway has been backed by the Government after decades of dithering.

The Government backed the £14billion expanison of Britain’s busiest airport but MPs will have a final say in a vote to be held before July 11.

For the Tories, the go-ahead will spark another round of in-fighting, with MPs divided over the issue.

Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson has vowed to lie down in front of bulldozers to prevent a third runway and other senior Tories have constituen­cies under the flight path.

Labour will back expansion if key tests are met, including noise and air quality issues, climate change obligation­s and that it generates growth across the country.

Business and union leaders welcomed the decision as “a once in a generation” boost for jobs and ensuring Britain’s global trading future.

But environmen­t campaigner­s slammed the move as damaging for the climate and warned it will cause more noise, air pollution and misery for people affected by the plans.

The decision was taken by the Cabinet’s economic subcommitt­ee chaired by Theresa May and the full cabinet was told minutes later.

The PM said: “Today’s decision to support Heathrow expansion demonstrat­es this Government’s commitment to deliver the jobs and major infrastruc­ture that this country needs to thrive.

“As we leave the EU this new runway will give us the tools to answer that the UK remains one of the best connected and most outward-looking countries in the world.”

 ??  ?? VOW Boris Johnson
VOW Boris Johnson

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