Daily Record

We’ve Kim a long way

Trump claims He axes US war N. Korea will get games and says rid of their nukes world will change


DONALD Trump’s historic first meeting with Kim Jong-un ended with warm handshakes, back-patting and promises to scrap nukes in the region.

Trump made a concession to halt “war game” military exercises with South Korea in Kim’s back yard, without much in return.

He seemed more interested in selling Kim a dream on his iPad at the five-hour summit.

The 34-year-old North Korean dictator was shown Trump’s four-minute “moment of destiny” video spelling out a choice of a bright future or a return to the dark past.

The US president, 71, painted a vision of “the world’s top hotels” at beaches where Kim currently fires “cannons in the ocean”. He even treated the North Korean leader to a look inside his armour-plated limo, The Beast.

Trump said: “We have developed a very special bond. People will be very happy.”

Kim said: “We have decided to leave the past behind. The world will see a major change.”

They dined on East-West choices of beef rib and sweet and sour pork. But the summit was only mildly appetising to the rest of the world.

Their declaratio­n read: “President Trump committed to provide security guarantees and chairman Kim Jong-un reaffirmed his firm and unwavering commitment to complete denucleari­sation of the Korean Peninsula.”

But many in the US, and among US Far East allies, were alarmed that Trump suspended US-Korea military exercises when Kim gave no details about scrapping nukes.

Trump said denucleari­sation would be achieved by “having a lot of people there”, claiming it could happen quickly. But he added sanctions against North Korea would only be lifted when “nukes were no longer a factor”.

Theresa May’s spokesman said the denucleari­sation commitment was a sign Pyongyang has heeded the message.

But ex-UK ambassador to North Korea John Everard said: “All Kim needed was the photo images to be seen to be treated as an equal by the President.”

 ??  ?? DONALD Trump promised to suspend the joint military exercises carried out by US and South Korean forces, branding them “war games”, even though defence chiefs from both countries had opposed such a move. US forces in South Korea said they would...
DONALD Trump promised to suspend the joint military exercises carried out by US and South Korean forces, branding them “war games”, even though defence chiefs from both countries had opposed such a move. US forces in South Korea said they would...

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