Daily Record



‘England winning the World Cup might be a blessing. After 1966, Scotland went on to have the best 30 years in our football history’

all Scots are bigots because they don’t support England in the World Cup? What nonsense.”

Former Rangers boss Ally McCoist has won plaudits for his co-commentary in Russia but not everyone has a good word to say about him.

said: “We now know why this failed manager was picked for the World Cup. Ally has been sitting cheering on England.”

Meanwhile, Celtic supporters are spitting feathers over Aberdeen star Shay Logan reigniting his spat with the Parkhead faithful.

The Dons defender revealed he expects to get racially abused every time he plays at their ground, prompting Brendan Rodgers to hit back by saying that the Hoops faithful had not earned the best fans in the world tag for nothing.

emailed: “Logan is a liar as Celtic fans were not racist towards the troublemak­er. He was celebratin­g like he had won the league although it was Celtic party.

“Why has nothing ever been done about the racist abuse aimed at Scott Sinclair from Rangers supporters at Ibrox?”

said: “I’m not condoning racial abuse but Logan should try a bit harder to behave and not incite trouble.

“He slammed the ball into Scott Brown after play had been stopped which was a cowardly act in itself. He is just as guilty himself with his actions.

“The incident at full-time in the last game of the season was all a bit hypocritic­al from Logan.”

Finally wants Celtic to go all out for rising Hibs star John McGinn.

He said: “Even if Celtic are forced to shell out £3million for Hibs midfielder McGinn, it would be the steal of the century. He’s a class act.” CALL THE HOTLINE TODAY FROM 11 TILL 12 NOON: 0141 309 3306 or email us: hotline@dailyrecor­d.co.uk

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