Daily Record


Murray is first Scots kid allowed to take medicine to control seizures


A BOY aged five has become the first child in Scotland to be prescribed medical cannabis in a bid to stop his chronic epileptic seizures.

Murray Gray, from Edinburgh, suffers from myoclonic astatic epilepsy, which causes up to 12 seizures a day.

His mum Karen has been fighting to persuade the UK Government to provide cannabidio­l treatment for Murray on the NHS.

She flew Murray to Holland last Sunday to get access to a form of it.

While she was away, Murray’s neurologis­t at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children in Edinburgh applied for a special licence to prescribe him Epidiolex, a purified form of cannabidio­l.

Murray will take a strawberry-flavoured oral solution twice a day.

Before flying home yesterday, Karen said: “I am so happy.

“When Murray and I came here we got a call from my husband Stuart saying that the doctor got in touch saying they had Epidiolex.

“This is a step in the right direction. Time will tell if it helps but I am positive it will help reduce the seizures.”

Epidiolex is not licensed in the UK but doctors should be able to prescribe it by mid-2019 if it is approved by the European Medicines Agency.

It is understood that Murray’s neurologis­t applied for a licence under special circumstan­ces to help him access the drug now.

Karen and Murray will return to hospital today to wean him off his current medication before starting Epidiolex.

Karen added: “I just hope this will help him.”

Edinburgh West MP Christine Jardine said: “The campaign to make medical cannabis available on the NHS will continue.”

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