Daily Record


- Fotw@fishingmeg­astore.com

BY LOUIS FEROX THERE had been a little bit of rain and cloud cover, so a quick evening venture with a fly rod was on the cards, just long enough to miss out on the events of Love Island.

I was greeted by a passing angler I know on the way along the river.

“The pressure’s dropping that’ll bring them on.”

As far as I could tell, he didn’t have a barometer. He must have consulted it earlier or he may have fallen into the guesstimat­e world of fishermen.

There’s lots of informatio­n available on Entomology and some anglers can quote chapter and verse on the life cycles of various insects. I fall into the guesstimat­e book of identifica­tion.

I know the name of maybe two and match the hatch based on what floats past me or lands on me, moving from wee black things to wee brown things via my favourite patterns that match everything.

So, with a sortuva emerger and a hare’s ear under it, I worked along the likely looking spots on my local stream.

Experience teaches you how to guess or infer where the fish might well be, whether it’s on the edge of riffles in the oxygenated water as it runs shallow, resting up from the current behind a boulder, or tucked in tight to a structure picking off terrestria­ls that have fallen on the surface.

That’s the theory. However, lots of times I go where I’ve caught before and have a chuck.

A couple of hungry little fish had nailed my flies, lessening the blow of missing out on reality TV for the evening, when I got chatting to my friend who’d had a couple of decent fish and some pics to show off.

The biggest guess any angler will give you is the weight of fish. We’re all aware scales are available but not always used and, even when they are, you can guarantee someone will call their calibratio­n into question.

A 1lb, maybe 2lb, fish would have been as big as this river produces, so I’ll say the picture didn’t do them justice. After all, I’ve been guilty of massaging the figures in the past.

His brother on the other hand wasn’t so kind and set about calling him the One Pound Fish Man, apparently he’d been catching specimens all year and any opportunit­y would be taken to give him some chat about it.

We’re all experts and big kids having a laugh. Maybe I’ll bring a ruler for scale the next time I have to provide evidence to the court of friendly opinion though.

 ??  ?? WHOPPER But exaggerati­ng size of catch is pretty common
WHOPPER But exaggerati­ng size of catch is pretty common

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