Daily Record



Dear Coleen

I “CHEATED” on my boyfriend for the second time with an ex of mine. We didn’t actually have sex, but we flirted a lot and the intention was there. I’ve learned my lesson but I don’t know what to do because I’m eaten up with guilt.

I’m in love with my boyfriend and I know what I did was wrong, but I can’t seem to forgive myself for it. He’s always said that if I cheated again he’d be heartbroke­n but I’ve already gone and done it!

I can’t do the right thing and confess because I know that I would lose him for ever.

I really despise my ex and feel I’ve messed up so badly. I don’t know if my boyfriend will ever find out and what he’d say if he did. Help!

Coleen says

LOOK, this big flirting session has made you realise what’s really important to you and that’s a good thing, so stop beating yourself up over it. You had the self-control not to have sex. You know now that you wouldn’t be able to forgive yourself if you did because you’re in love with your boyfriend.

As for him finding out, what’s there to find out? You didn’t sleep together. What you must learn from this is how bad you feel and not to ever put yourself in that situation again.

So now you know what you want and realise that messing around with an ex isn’t worth losing your boyfriend over.

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