Daily Record


Excuse us, Mr President, but we don’t want your hate, we don’t want your greed, we don’t want your boasts and ..


DONALD Trump finally flew into Britain yesterday, boasting about how much he’s loved here – as protesters up and down the land prepared to show him otherwise.

About 100,000 people are today expected at a London demo against the elaboratel­y coiffured US president, in what would be the biggest weekday protest since the 2003 anti-Iraq war march.

There will also be protests in Glasgow’s George Square, in Dundee’s City Square and in the centre of Dumfries, plus other rallies across the weekend as he flies north to play golf.

Asked about the protests as he prepared to fly to Stansted on Air Force One, Trump said: “It’s fine. A lot of people like me there.

“I think they agree with me on immigratio­n. I think that’s why Brexit happened.”

He then went on to trash Theresa May’s Brexit vision as not “what people voted for” in the EU referendum.

Trump’s comments at a press conference in Brussels came as angry Tory Brexiteers digested the details of May’s Brexit White Paper.

Having roughed up European allies to stump up more money for NATO, Trump gave his analysis of the four-day visit to the country he had described as being in turmoil.

In an echo of May’s famous phrase, he said: “I would say Brexit is Brexit.” He did not endear himself when he added: “The people voted to break it up so I imagine that is what they would do, but maybe they’re taking a different route.

“I’m not sure that’s what they voted for.”

He claimed the UK was “getting at least partially involved back with the European Union. I’d like to see them be able to work it out so it could go quickly”.

The comment was a criticism of May’s soft Brexit plan, which will see EU citizens able to work and visit the UK visa-free after Brexit. In response, May said: “What we are doing is delivering on the vote of the British people.”

Trump had already held back from endorsing May’s leadership and praised former foreign secretary Boris Johnson, who quit on Monday in protest at the deal May presented to the Cabinet.

Trump said he told EU leaders to be careful because immigratio­n was “taking over Europe”, and was the reason for Brexit.

His visit will feature talks with May at Chequers and tea with the Queen in Windsor to a soundtrack of mass protests across the country, including a baby Trump balloon flying over Westminste­r.

The president was greeted at the airport by Internatio­nal Trade

Secretary Liam Fox before he and wife Melania travelled by helicopter to London.

Last night, May hosted the Trumps and about 150 guests at a black tie dinner at Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshir­e, built to honour the Duke of Marlboroug­h and the family home of his descendent, Winston Churchill.

Trump is expected to stay at Winfield House, the US ambassador’s residence in London, where hundreds gathered last night to bang pots and pans, drums, and play whistles and vuvuzelas.

Jeremy Corbyn said: “The Tories are rewarding Trump with a red carpet welcome. We must show them that we can and we will defeat the politics of division.”

Trump is due to arrive at Prestwick airport tonight for a golfing weekend and will remain at his Turnberry golf course in Ayrshire until Sunday, when he will head to Finland for a summit with Vladimir Putin.

 ??  ?? FRIDAY, JULY 13, 2018
FRIDAY, JULY 13, 2018
 ??  ?? HERE COMES TROUBLE Trump and wife Melania arrive at Stansted airport
HERE COMES TROUBLE Trump and wife Melania arrive at Stansted airport
 ??  ?? before a black tie reception at Blenheim Palace, left and above right
before a black tie reception at Blenheim Palace, left and above right
 ??  ?? LISTEN UP Make your voice heard
LISTEN UP Make your voice heard

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