Daily Record

Begging sends out the wrong message


ALEX Salmond managed to raise tens of thousands of pounds in a few short hours to fund a judicial review against the Permanent Secretary to the Scottish Government.

He launched the appeal at the same time he announced his resignatio­n from the SNP and said he won’t rejoin the party until his name is cleared.

The former first minister denies he is guilty of sexual misconduct against two women who have made complaints against him and he has voiced concerns about the way the claims have been dealt with by the Scottish Government.

Under those circumstan­ces, Salmond is right to fight his corner and pursue legal action as he sees fit.

But given the serious nature of the complaints against him, it is inappropri­ate that he should seek to cover his court costs by an appeal on a website.

Salmond is a wealthy man so it is hard to believe he could not afford to fund any legal action.

His crowdfundi­ng appeal was a stunt that does him no credit, despite the slavish praise of his donors on the website.

It is disappoint­ing that at least one senior figure from the SNP chose to donate, especially when an investigat­ion into claims of a sexual nature is ongoing.

Salmond did the right thing by resigning from the party but he ought to have financed the legal action by other means and kept a low profile as he attempted to clear his name.

This begging letter to his acolytes has turned the whole sorry affair into a circus in which the former first minister has installed himself as ringmaster but could easily double up as the clown.

It is a bad call from a figure once widely lauded when he held the highest political office in the land.

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