Daily Record



BY ANNIE BROWN & MICHAEL PRINGLE A WOMAN who was raped hundreds of times by her husband has spoken of her relief after he was given a life sentence.

Brian McTaggart, who was described during his trial as being “possessed by the devil”, was jailed yesterday for horrific sexual and domestic violence offences.

At the High Court in Glasgow, he was given an order of lifelong restrictio­n (OLR). He will serve a minimum of eight years before being considered for release. If he gets out, he will always be subject to intense supervisio­n.

His former wife Kathleen McMurchie, 53, who was raped about 900 times by him, waived her right to anonymity following the sentence.

She said: “This sentence gets him off the streets. The main thing is he can’t hurt women anymore.

“I don’t know how I feel personally yet. It will take time for me to know how I feel.”

Urging other women who have suffered abuse to report it to police, Kathleen added: “I found the police were kind to me and easy to talk to. I would encourage women to come forward and not to continue to suffer like I did.”

McTaggart preyed on 18 victims and the offences – which included indecent assaults on girls and boys – stretched over more than 20 years.

The crimes occurred mainly in Dundee between 1980 and 2001.

Convicted of 23 offences in September last year, sentencing had been delayed as prosecutor­s successful­ly pushed for an OLR.

During the trial, Kathleen told how she was raped by McTaggart almost daily for six years, including shortly after she had given birth.

He told her he should not be deprived of sex because “she had a bairn”.

McTaggart, 54, also dropped a hairdryer into her bath and kicked her down a flight of stairs. After the attacks, McTaggart would tell Kathleen he was sorry and buy her flowers.

Another rape victim was attacked while she was sleeping. When she woke up and pleaded: “No”, McTaggart replied: “You belong to me. I can do anything I want.”

Lord Mulholland said McTaggart treated his victims as “punchbags and chattels”, with many being “beaten into submission”.

One of the victims, now aged 43, was raped, choked and had her head plunged under water.

Another was assaulted because she wore his Dundee United top.

McTaggart was also convicted of physically abusing other women and teenagers.

In one case, he twisted the nipples of a teenage girl.

One male victim described McTaggart as “being possessed by the devil”.

Charges of raping a fourth woman and raping a 30-year-old man were found not proven.

The court heard one woman met McTaggart while attending a help group she was attending after being a victim of domestic violence.

McTaggart admitted at his trial that he had “done a lot wrong” but denied being a rapist. He claimed he was the victim of a “witch hunt”.

Prosecutor Mark McGuire said: “McTaggart was only interested in domination, humiliatio­n and sexual gratificat­ion.”

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 ??  ?? ‘POSSESSED BY THE DEVIL’ Brian McTaggart. Below, former wife Kathleen
‘POSSESSED BY THE DEVIL’ Brian McTaggart. Below, former wife Kathleen
 ??  ?? VIOLENT BULLY With two more of his victims
VIOLENT BULLY With two more of his victims

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