Daily Record

Someonetoh­oldusclose­aswe breath.It’sthesamefo­ranimals


BY JOAN McFADDEN moments are usually them franticall­y looking around for their owners and that broke me.”

Alexis’s hospice is called on to care for abandoned animals in their final days. In some cases, they have been dumped by owners who didn’t want to deal with their diagnosis.

She took in her first terminally ill dog before she even started the hospice, having met her through a charity she runs called Pounds for Poundies, who help raise money to save dogs from being euthanised.

Alexis said: “I often hear of dogs who have been abandoned on the streets when – and often because – they are terminally ill.

“That’s how I met Osha, a bull mastiff who’d been abandoned because she had cancer, about the same time Maggie died. I took her in for end-of-life care because I couldn’t leave her to die alone.

“She was meant to have six months to live. In our care, she actually had nine months of love, attention and, most of all, food, her favourite thing.”

Alexis initially set up the hospice in Moray, where she lived with her partner Adam. But they moved near to Kircudbrig­ht where they had enough land to build a purpose-built hospice.

As ever, funds were the issue, which is where the public came in and helped raise the money needed for the building.

Alexis said: “You get people who can abandon sick animals without a second thought, yet you also get wonderful people who want to help those animals.

“The hospice is a comfortabl­e, peaceful place where residents can relax without the noises of everyday life in our home. But they can also join us in the main house if and when they are able and want to.

“We’re able to spend time with them in their home, as it’s a cosy environmen­t with sofas, comfy beds and everything they need to feel secure.

“It’s tailored to the needs of our residents, with outdoor areas for them. It allows us to provide the best of care and to spend time with them but give peace and quiet when that is what they need.”

Alexis runs the hospice with help from Adam, friends, family and volunteers.

She also offers support to the owners of terminally ill pets.

She said: “I like owners to understand that it can be a great privilege to see an animal safely to the end and give back all the love and loyalty their pet has shown. It would be good to remember that when you’re getting a pet, it’s not just about the next few years but what you’ll do when they’re old or sick and in need of care.

“Owners can phone me 24/7 for advice and help, especially since terminal illness can sometimes come as a shock.”

And the hospice doesn’t just provide end-of-life care for household pets. There’s also sheep, chickens and farm animals who come to have a final day of their favourite things before slipping away peacefully. They often die while sleeping and always with someone to love and hold them. Alexis said: “There’s something so

sad about animals who’ve never known life outside a pen or cage, who’ve never run free or been loved and indulged.

“Even when animals are close to death, we can give them a little joy in their last days.”

She looks after a maximum of three animals in the hospice at one time. It’s very time-intensive and Alexis also cares for more than 80 farmed animals and rescue hens in the grounds of the hospice. There is endless practical care, feeding, cleaning and giving medication but there is always time for love and affection. She added: “Old and sick animals need love and attention, so I spend a lot of time sitting with them, reading and napping and giving them company and cuddles.”

And despite regularly having to say goodbye, Alexis admits she’s never gotten used to it.

She said: “Osha was dying but her last day was perfect for her. We took her for her favourite walk, followed by her favourite food and then lay in the garden in the sun with her, feeding her M&S fruit chews, which she loved.

“She also loved to steal eggs from our rescued chickens. I’d leave one on the doorstep so that when she went out for her late night wees, she would find it and think she’d found treasure to steal. Stolen food tasted even better than not stolen food.

“I wrapped my arms round her and the last words I said to her were, ‘You know those eggs you used to steal every night from the doorstep? I didn’t leave them there by mistake.’

“Then the vet sedated and euthanised her. I was grief stricken but she reassured me I’d done the right thing.


Alexis is currently caring for Bran, a dog with liver and kidney problems.

She said: “His last day will have all his favourite things and I’ll hold him as he slips peacefully away, knowing someone loved him to the last.

“I know he’ll leave something special with me, the way Osha did and Maggie did. I’m so grateful to be able

to do this.”

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