Daily Record

Ex-Hearts ace cleared of assault


BY RORY CASSIDY FORMER Hearts striker Christian Nade broke down yesterday as he was cleared of foul play over the break-up of his relationsh­ip.

Nade, 34, was alleged to have carried out a threemonth reign of terror in which he was claimed to have beaten up his ex, battered her dad and threatened to kidnap a baby.

But he was cleared of all six charges during a trial at Paisley Sheriff Court – and nearly collapsed at the news.

The towering striker blew out his breath, clutched his head in his hands and fell on to the dock when told he was being acquitted.

And the delighted Frenchman beamed as he left court and said: “I told you.”

Nade, who has also played for Dundee, Raith and Dumbarton, faced six charges covering alleged offences between December 5 last year and March 11 this year.

He was said to have attacked his ex, Laura Kennedy, by giving her a backhanded slap on the face while he was holding a baby because she binned an out-of-date steak.

The 28-year-old said he also hit her with a boxed toy car and assaulted her on a third occasion because she binned a sauce at the flat they shared in Kirkaig Avenue, Renfrew.

He was cleared of six charges including assaulting Kennedy’s dad Lawrence, 60, by pushing him into a high chair, going head to head with him and punching him.

Nade gave evidence in his own defence, insisting he had only pushed Mr Kennedy after he went head-to-head with him and pushed him first.

Sheriff Harris found the charges not proven.

 ??  ?? NOT PROVEN Christian Nade
NOT PROVEN Christian Nade

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