Daily Record

Safety code for all


ROAD safety is not just the responsibi­lity of vehicle drivers – it is the responsibi­lity of all those using the roads and pavements.

Cyclists and pedestrian­s can do more to help themselves. In the case of cyclists, they should always wear light reflective colour visible from back and front, together with decent lights on back and front, which should be on the whole time.

Pedestrian­s should, in the darker evenings and on overcast days, wear a light colour to make them easier to see. And they should remember they have a responsibi­lity to watch out for traffic and not assume vehicles can always respond.

The old Green Cross Code was great at educating youngsters and should be reinforced today. Peter, Helensburg­h IF THE Highway Code has to be changed to protect cyclists, maybe those on bikes should be made to use cycle paths, where they exist.

Such paths cost a lot of money to create. If cyclists are caught not using them, they should be fined. Tam McEwan

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