Daily Record

Being led in the wrong direction


THE UK is crying out for leadership to navigate this miserable road through Brexit.

But at every turn the public are being used and ultimately let down.

In one day, MPs face the responsibi­lity of turning the past two years into something resembling sensible policy.

But the options appear to please no one and we will likely continue to stumble on relentless­ly to Brexit day next March with or without this current Tory Government.

How did we get to the brink like this, mocked by countries who once saw the UK as a reliable partner?

Look at some of the “leadership” that got Britain here in the first place.

David Cameron, worried about internal divisions on Europe, lit the touch paper to settle Tory scores.

Nigel Farage preyed on people’s worst prejudices to boost the Leave campaign.

Jeremy Corbyn wants you to believe Labour can rub out the European Unon’s red lines while picking their own terms.

Labour are at best confused and at worst playing a double game – one where the edges get blurred between what they say and what they want people to think.

In Scotland, the options are even more extensive but still no one is too sure which road to travel. Most people think independen­ce would be better than sticking around after a no-deal Brexit, according to one opinion poll.

But that same survey suggests only a minority want independen­ce.

Nicola Sturgeon, another leader, marched her supporters to the top of the hill four years ago but is still wary about what to do next for this very reason.

The UK is split on Europe – Scotland is split on the UK.

Theresa May will likely find the Tory Party are split on her tomorrow.

Then it’s back to the drawing board.

It’s time one of these leaders checked if the public are still willing to be led like this – starting with Brexit.

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