Daily Record

Once your tree is suitably illuminate­d, you can add audio with a Bluetooth bauble

How do you deal with the emotional onslaught of a break-up while also trying to navigate the murky waters of social media?


With the cards distribute­d and interiors meticulous­ly decorated, you’re now ready to enjoy Christmas Day amid the finest of festive tech.

One final point: Depending on how many marauding relatives descend upon your home every year, demanding Wi-Fi as well as Christmas dinner, you may want to consider buying a Wi-Fi booster.

Let’s face it, there’s nothing worse than your Netflix collapsing two-thirds of the way through Elf. shared rental agreement, so it’s been relatively easy for me in the past. But what if you’ve built a solid life together and let the whole world in to see via your profile pages?

How do you deal with the emotional onslaught of a break-up while also trying to navigate the murky waters of social media without sinking completely?

I reckon it would do us all good to have some clear rules when it comes to this type of thing, or even some unwritten ones.

It’s a sad day when you yearn for some of the discipline you spent your whole life rebelling against, but it doesn’t hurt to have a bit of guidance. In fact, in this case, it might help us hurt a lot less.

But there’s no etiquette when it comes to finding the right way. A Reddit thread dedicated entirely to the issue made it no clearer, with torn-up users divided on whether they believed previous relationsh­ips should be cleared from social media accounts or celebrated and left for people to see in all their tragic glory.

I don’t particular­ly think that memories and photos should be erased when people part ways. It’s up to each and every person how they want to mend a broken heart. Though I do think it would be really handy if we could archive and delete the real-life pain that comes along with it. magdalene. dalziel@ reachplc .com

 ??  ?? MAGICAL COLOURS Twinkly’s Smart App Controlled Christmas Fairy Lights will help to transform any tree. Picture: Twinkly/PA CHRISTMAS CONNECTIVI­TY
MAGICAL COLOURS Twinkly’s Smart App Controlled Christmas Fairy Lights will help to transform any tree. Picture: Twinkly/PA CHRISTMAS CONNECTIVI­TY
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