Daily Record

Toptips tolook after yourbits

Whether it’s about staying fresh or avoiding health issues, our expert gives you advice on taking care of your vagina


Buckle heel, www.dune-london.com HAIR, nails, skin, vagina. That’s not how most of us plan our beauty regime.

But even though our bits might not be on display, they deserve as much TLC as our visible body parts.

Stephanie Taylor, a women’s health advocate who owns Kegel8, insists we all owe it to ourselves to give our front bottoms some love.

Here are some top tips she thinks every woman should follow… BY ANNA BURNSIDE When it comes to pelvic health, some underwear is better than others. Tight-fitting thongs sit close to the skin, moving back and forth throughout the day, which can contribute to a urinary tract infection. No matter what underwear you prefer, always opt for cotton, which is the most breathable fabric, helping to keep moisture at bay. Dehydratio­n affects the vagina and can lead to an infection, itching or burning. Depending on how active you are, you should aim to drink between two and three litres of water a day. her life. If you ignore your pelvic floor, you could end up with bladder incontinen­ce, prolapse or a loss of sensation during sex.

Pelvic floor exercises should be part of your daily routine and if you need an extra helping hand, try a pelvic toner which uses electrical impulses to stimulate those all-important muscles. While there are many myths and old wives’ tales about sex, there is one you should believe – peeing after sex.

That’s because clearing your bladder instantly flushes out any bacteria in your vagina and urinary tract, cutting your risk of getting a UTI. You may not feel the sensation to go immediatel­y after but don’t worry, as long as it’s done within a reasonable amount of time, you can relax. THE thought of brunch after a sweaty workout might be a great motivator but staying in your gym clothes for too long is a sin.

Sweaty clothes and underwear create the perfect breeding ground for bad bacteria, particular­ly if they’re tight and made from latex or polyester. Have a quick shower and put on fresh clothes before you get on with the rest of your day.


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