Daily Record

Pair accused of stabbing nightclub staff


BY GERARD COUZENS TWO Scots have been arrested over a double stabbing at a nightspot in Benidorm.

They were being held yesterday in connection with the attack on two staff – a bouncer and a PR worker – at the resort’s Beachcombe­r venue, in an area known as “Little England”.

One of the victims was stabbed in the stomach and was admitted to a hospital intensive care unit, while the other suffered a chest wound, sources said.

The injuries were not thought to be lifethreat­ening. The incident happened at about 10.30pm on Sunday after the two Scots scrapped with each other. A witness said: “It started in the disco bar – that’s where the lads were fighting each other, running around the table trying to hit each other.

“It then ended up on the square, where all bouncers and PR staff came running over to split it up.

“One was covered in blood, another was waving a knife and ran down the strip as he got chased. Police arrived and then an ambulance.”

It’s understood a machete and two butterfly knives were recovered.

A spokesman for Spain’s National Police said: “Two men have been arrested over a stabbing incident in Benidorm. They are both British and aged 20 and 21.

“Two people, workers at the place where the incident happened, suffered what appeared to be stab wounds.”

The suspects are expected to appear in court and be placed under investigat­ion. Formal charges will not be laid until just before any trial, as is normal in Spain.

No one from the Beachcombe­r was available for comment.

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