Daily Record



Dear Coleen

IT WAS our 10-year wedding anniversar­y recently and I booked a baby-sitter, made my husband his favourite meal and gave him a gorgeous gold bracelet engraved with mine and the kids’ names on it.

In return, he gave me a DVD which probably cost about £6 from the supermarke­t.

I was really disappoint­ed and I’m ashamed to say I had a huge go at him. He accused me of being ungrateful and greedy, and I accused him of being mean and thoughtles­s towards me.

The row pretty much ruined our anniversar­y meal and we’ve hardly spoken since, other than to be polite in front of the children.

He just can’t see why I’m upset. Who is in the right?

Coleen says

I CAN see this from both points of view. To be honest I’m more like your husband – I think a film is a good present, especially if he’s put a bit of thought into it.

Did he know you were going to go to such a big effort? If so, then I can see why you’re annoyed.

But if you usually have low-key anniversar­ies and then you sprung this lovely meal and gold bracelet on him, I can see why he was a bit put out when you got angry. So to cut a long story short, I don’t think either of you are in the wrong.

And I don’t think you should let something like this ruin your marriage. So just sit him down, explain you felt put out because you went to such a big effort, but let him have his say too.

At the end of the day, an anniversar­y is just one day. What’s the rest of your marriage like? Is he a good bloke who treats you well? If so, forget this silly row.

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