Daily Record

Save others from double pain


BY SANDY BRINDLEY Chief Executive of Rape Crisis Scotland THIS is a very tragic case. At Rape Crisis, we can completely understand why Rebecca’s mum feels like there has been no justice for her daughter.

Reporting rape and going through the resulting justice process can be extremely difficult. It is so important that victims are supported and kept informed throughout the process.

Since the start of February 2016, Rape Crisis Scotland has coordinate­d an advocacy project, with dedicated workers across the country supporting people who have made a complaint of a sexual offence throughout the justice process, from start to finish.

Victims tell us that they couldn’t have got through the justice process without this support. Only last week, we saw reports of a case where a rape complainer had to endure lengthy and insulting questionin­g in the witness box.

Much more needs to be done to improve how our legal system responds to crimes of rape. We would like to see rape complainer­s’ evidence, including their cross examinatio­n, pre-recorded in advance of trial.

This would mean that they were giving evidence much closer to the incident, rather than having this prospect hanging over them for months or even years.

We hope the Scottish Government will act on this in the near future. It will be too late to make a difference for Rebecca but at least it might save other women from having to go through what can be a very traumatic process.

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