Daily Record

Coisty to cough up for son’s rent row college roommates Star vows he’ll cover costs after Argyll’s no-show in US leaves his fellow students facing eviction


RANGERS legend Ally McCoist has had to step in after his son left three young footballer­s at a US college facing eviction over his unpaid rent bill.

Argyll McCoist was due to begin studying at Santa Barbara City College in California last summer but failed to attend.

The 20-year-old had signed up for accommodat­ion nearby, where he would have roomed with a trio of fellow students.

After McCoist didn’t appear, the students were left liable for his rent and costs, which ballooned to nearly £1900.

Management at the La Brezza Apartments served them with a letter telling them to pay up or leave the building.

But last night, McCoist’s dad stepped in to say the cash would be paid promptly as he was awaiting managers sending him the bill.

Scot Neil Gillies and US students Simon Berstad and Percy Kallon have been worried sick they’ll be booted out due to the actions of McCoist, whom they’ve never met.

They play for the college soccer team, which McCoist had also been expected to join.

Neil’s father Stuart said he believes McCoist never attended the college due to ongoing legal troubles.

Last September, McCoist narrowly escaped a jail term for mowing down a pedestrian in his sports car, leaving his victim with a fractured skull and a bleed on the brain.

Stuart, 54, an engineer, said McCoist had ignored emails and social media messages pleading with him to pay up.

Stuart and his family moved to Australia in 2005 from their home in Prestwick.

Neil, 19, hoped the move to a US college would be a first step on the path to a career in profession­al football.

Stuart said: “I went to the US in June to help Neil get set up.

“The coach thought with Neil being Scottish and a Rangers supporter, it’d be a good idea for him to room with Argyll.

“La Brezza is offcampus, about 20 minutes’ walk from the college. Their apartment has two bedrooms where two people can room together and a kitchen.

“The semester started at the end of June and Argyll didn’t show. The boys started messaging him on social media to find out what was going on. He never answered.

“I think they spoke to him one time and Argyll said there was a problem with his visa.” As weeks passed, Stuart saw a news story about McCoist’s legal woes. Stuart, who lives in Perth with wife Karen, said: “I think he couldn’t go to the US while he waited for the court dates. “Then once he had a criminal record, he wasn’t going to get into America.” Last August, McCoist, of Houston, Renfrewshi­re, admitted driving without insurance and causing serious injury to Stephan Murdoch, 21, by driving dangerousl­y. The following month, he was ordered to do 280 hours unpaid work. He was electronic­ally tagged and effectivel­y under house arrest from 8pm to 5.30am every day for six months.

He was also banned from driving for 42 months.

Stuart said: “After the lads got wind of the case, they realised Argyll wasn’t coming so they got someone else to move in.

“But in those first three months, there was a lot of costs which Argyll had signed up to on his contract.

“The outstandin­g amount is $2500. The accommodat­ion sent a letter about four weeks ago saying the lads had to pay up or quit, so now they’re threatened with eviction.

“Neil and the other lads aren’t rich. Percy has to work to pay his fees and Neil can’t work as he doesn’t have the visa. There’s no way they can pay it.”

Neil has enjoyed an excellent first season on the college team.

But his dad fears the stress of the eviction process is having a negative impact on his studies.

He said: “Losing their accommodat­ion in the middle of the year has been a big worry.”

Speaking to the Record, Ally pledged the matter would be sorted out very soon.

He said: “I’ve emailed the apartments two or three times in the last few weeks asking for the outstandin­g bill.

“I haven’t received it yet but I understand they are busy.

“There’s no ill-will or ulterior motive involved. I can give them my absolute assurance that the bill will be settled as soon as I receive it.”

La Brezza Apartments and Santa Barbara City College were contacted for comment but didn’t respond.

Losing their accommodat­ion has been a big worry STUART GILLIES DAD OF ONE OF ARGYLL’S INTENDED HOUSEMATES

 ??  ?? PROBLEM Argyll, seen leaving court with his dad. Pic: Stewart Robertson LEFT IN LURCH From left, Simon, Percy and Neil
PROBLEM Argyll, seen leaving court with his dad. Pic: Stewart Robertson LEFT IN LURCH From left, Simon, Percy and Neil

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