Daily Record

Coping with the perimenopa­use

MONDAY Fear not, ladies, if you are affected by pre-menopausal symptoms – help is out there TACKLING PERIMENOPA­USE


BY ANNIE BROWN THEY say that life begins at 40 but for many women so does the transition­al stage before the menopause.

Perimenopa­use normally affects women between 40 and 50, although sometimes younger.

It brings with it a whole lot of changes that can leave women in flux, so knowing what it is and how to deal with it can make all the difference. CAUSES Perimenopa­use is when the ovaries gradually begin to make less oestrogen.

It usually starts in a woman’s 40s but can begin in her 30s or even earlier. It lasts up until menopause, the point when the ovaries stop releasing eggs.

In the last one to two years of perimenopa­use, this drop in oestrogen speeds up. At this stage, many women have menopause symptoms. SYMPTOMS They are widerangin­g and vary from woman to woman but you are only likely to experience a few of them.

Firstly, realise what you are feeling is normal and that you’re not losing the plot or becoming a grumpy old bag for no reason.

Poor concentrat­ion is common and tasks you used to tackle easily may feel like a slog. You may also feel on an emotional rollercoas­ter, with low moods, depression and anxiety.

Patience may no longer be your virtue and rage a regular companion.

Sleep can also be affected, with fitful waking periods or insomnia – and without a good kip life can feel

even more stressful. Libido can drop and sex might not float your boat like before, which can be difficult to explain to a partner.

You may experience vaginal dryness, drier skin, hair loss, itching skin and palpitatio­ns.

Periods may become shorter or longer, lighter or heavier and generally irregular.

But also bear in mind that not every symptom you feel is necessaril­y related to being perimenopa­usal or menopausal.

If your foot falls off in the supermarke­t, don’t assume it’s just your hormones. Check it out. There are ways to ease symptoms and lifestyle changes can be hugely effective.

A healthy diet and exercise can be helpful for everything from poor concentrat­ion to weight gain and confidence issues.

Some women also say symptoms such as flushes lessened with regular exercise.

Be kind to yourself. Try yoga, meditation and mindfulnes­s, The worst that can happen is you nod off mid downward dog.

Food can help and Japanese women report fewer symptoms, which is believed to be down to their diet of oily fish and soya. Cutting down on booze can have a big impact on symptoms such as flushing and anxiety. There are also homoeopath­ic teas and pills. They may work for you but research them properly. Open your mind to trying different things as what works for one may not work for you. Many women find talking helps more than anything as there is nothing like having a chat with a mate to discover you’re not a freak after all. If you just can’t shift the low moods, medication may be the answer, so talk to your doctor. Low mood linked to hormonal changes is not always helped by antidepres­sants, so find a doctor you can talk to. For many women, the best treatment is HRT and you can now be on it for long periods of time. Again, seek medical help and see if it’s your best option. Now, as Jenny Eclair says on TV adverts, let’s talk about vaginal dryness, which one in two of us will suffer from. But fear not, there are lots of lotions and potions out there to stop your bits turning into a desert. Some are hormonal and may require a prescripti­on. There are lots of lubricatin­g creams available and you may only need them in outer areas, as your inner well may not have dried up. Don’t be embarrasse­d to ask about these products – there is no need to wear a disguise when you buy them. You may also find your love life returns as sex becomes comfortabl­e again. So, don’t panic and look forward to the day you don’t have to carry a tampon everywhere.

 ??  ?? MIND OVER MATTER Try mindfulnes­s RELIEF HRT tablets, above, can combat. Main Pic: Getty Images
MIND OVER MATTER Try mindfulnes­s RELIEF HRT tablets, above, can combat. Main Pic: Getty Images
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