Daily Record

Booted-off Scot: You haven’t seen the last of me


BY RICK FULTON FEISTY Scot Tara Walls got booted off The Bachelor in last night’s episode – after making the bachelor cry.

But the 22-year-old barber from Alloa, who was one of 17 girls hoping to win over Alex Marks, said she had no regrets.

Defiant Tara, who kicked off her time on the Channel 5 show having a catfight with one of her rivals, said: “I was true to myself and can hold my head up high that I went in for the right reasons.

“I was certainly explosive in the four episodes I was in. I don’t think anyone will forget me in a hurry.”

Last night’s drama unfolded at a cocktail party, which had been thrown for Alex to chat to the girls before choosing which two would be the first to leave. But one of them, Reanne Brown, hogged the hunk for nearly an hour, leaving the rest fuming.

Tara then barged in on the pair’s chat. She and Reanne both ended up in tears – and an overwhelme­d Alex stumbled away, only to be found crying, too.

The Scot said she was the only girl who “had the guts to speak up”, adding: “I think it shows strength of character. If I had to do it again, I’d do the same.”

But by sticking her head above the parapet, she ended up being picked by Alex to leave the show.

However, Tara said she’s still in touch with “true gentleman” Alex.

She added: “This will not be the last you see of Tara Walls on TV.”

 ??  ?? DEFIANT Tara has no regrets about her ‘explosive’ time on The Bachelor ENDED IN TEARS
DEFIANT Tara has no regrets about her ‘explosive’ time on The Bachelor ENDED IN TEARS
 ??  ?? Overwhelme­d Alex and, above, tearful Tara on the show
Overwhelme­d Alex and, above, tearful Tara on the show

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