Daily Record

Trip to the dark side




STV, 7pm IN HONOUR of Internatio­nal Women’s Day, tonight’s special episode features just the female characters and has been written, produced, directed and recorded by a female-led crew. There’s plenty of emotion, too.

Rhona is preparing for her hysterecto­my and Chas is holding on to some life-changing news. Meanwhile, Charity has a big undertakin­g ahead but is distracted away from the village. Elsewhere, April has concerns over her looks after someone at school makes a nasty comment. CORONATION STREET STV, 7.30pm and 8.30pm DAVID and Nick go ahead with their opening event and are shocked when they see how many people have shown up. It all becomes clear when they spot a typo on the flyers offering £1 haircuts. But that’s not even the worst of it – there’s sabotage afoot.

Elsewhere, Carla tells Gary she has a leak in the ceiling and wants it fixed. He reminds her that the whole roof needs replacing but she thinks he’s just after more money. AFTER LIFE

NETFLIX RICKY Gervais has penned this comedy that will break your heart just as much as it will make you laugh out loud.

Taking on some difficult issues, Gervais plays Tony, who had the perfect life until his wife Lisa died of cancer.

It begins with Lisa, played by Kerry Godliman, leaving him a video message to play after she’s gone. She has plenty of advice, reminding him to feed the dog and put the bins out.

But Tony clearly isn’t coping that well. With no food in the house and everything a mess, he’s quaffing vegetable curry straight from the tin and the dog is given a can of baked beans.

We soon discover that he had been suicidal but the dog needed feeding so he didn’t go through with it. Instead, Tony decides that he will just live without conscience, saying and doing whatever he likes.

“If it all gets too much, I can always kill myself. It’s like a super power,” he reasons.

But he’s surrounded by well-meaning friends Best in Show from 2018 and relatives who aren’t going to let him spiral into depression if they can help it.

The supporting cast is brilliant, including David Bradley as his dad – in a nursing home with dementia – and Ashley Jensen as David’s nurse. Also watch out for appearance­s by Roisin Conaty, Diane Morgan and Penelope Wilton.

This will occasional­ly catch you unawares with an emotional sucker punch but then, just at the right moment, a well-timed joke will pull it back to neutral.

A comedy about death that is full of life.

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