Daily Record


Duchess insists on American..who could even be a man


THE Duchess of Sussex wants an American nanny to help take care of her first child with Prince Harry.

Meghan, who is eight months’ pregnant, has asked a recruitmen­t agency in Kensington, London, to find a suitable candidate to start in the next three months.

The 37-year-old is understood to have told recruiters she “favours an American over a Brit” and is even open to having a “manny” – a male nanny.

The nanny will “earn up to BY RUSSELL MYERS £70,000-a-year, depending on experience” and will be interviewe­d by the royal couple.

The candidate will be based at the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s new home at Frogmore Cottage in the grounds of Windsor Castle and will get use of a car loaned to them by the royal household.

The nanny will be expected to work about 40 hours a week and will be required to stay overnight in Windsor when needed.

Previous reports suggesting that Meghan and Harry are to recruit close friends Amal and George Clooney’s former nanny, American Connie Simpson, are “wide of the mark”, sources said.

But it’s understood Meghan has asked Connie for advice on which qualities to look for in a nanny.

A royal source said: “Meghan and Harry both have very clear ideas on how they want to bring up their children.

“Meghan was clear in telling the recruiters she favours an American over a Brit and wants them to ‘feel part of the family rather than a uniformed member of staff ’.

“That is really important to her, she’s never hidden the fact she is fiercely proud of her American roots.”

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