Daily Record

On-run perv shacked up in Mexico


AN ON-THE-RUN paedophile is using a false name and living in Mexico with a teenage boy he calls his “nephew”.

Rod Beaumont, who claims to be a “life coach”, fled Scotland in 2016 after being convicted of grooming a boy of 15.

A Mexican woman told us the pervert now goes by the name of Rodrigo de la Cruz.

She said he offers English classes and coaching services in the capital Mexico City.

And she told us how he conned her into lending him money for what he claimed was his mother’s funeral in Canada.

The woman added: “I met him because I was looking for English classes with a native speaker. Then he sold me his coaching services.

“He said he lives with his nephew but I am not sure if that is true.”

The woman found out about Beaumont’s criminal past by reading an online article.

She added: “I was very BY KEITH McLEOD and IAN BUNTING scared when I found out. The first thought that came to my mind was that he taught at least one child. I know this because he sent us a picture.”

She said Beaumont, 63, took advantage of her generosity.

The woman added: “I lent him money because he said he was from Canada and his mother had died and he needed cash for the funeral.

“He knows how to manipulate people and take advantage of them.”

In October 2016, Beaumont, originally from Dundee, admitted grooming a boy of 15.

He was due to return to Airdrie Sheriff Court for sentencing in December that year but didn’t turn up.

It emerged he had caught a flight from Edinburgh to Albania.

Two victims, meanwhile contacted the Record, claiming Beaumont had abused them in the US in the 80s.

In October 2017, we revealed that the former airline pilot had turned up in Mexico.

He claimed to be a monk and yoga guru and was pictured in ceremonial robes.

The Mexican woman said she and others who use his coaching services are in a WhatsApp group and she has alerted them that he is a pervert.

She added: “I noticed he spends a lot of time at home, only leaving to buy supplies.

“I told the other people in the WhatsApp group who have paid for his coaching service about his true identity.

“They are from all over the world, including New Zealand, Singapore, Seattle and Montreal.”

In an online article, Beaumont describes himself as “motivation­al, inspiratio­nal, profession­al and above all authentic”.

He continues: “I enjoy empowering my clients to reach their goals and dreams.

“In particular, my youth clients and their families report significan­t positive changes.”

 ??  ?? CREEP Convicted sex offender Rod Beaumont claimed to be a monk and yoga guru
CREEP Convicted sex offender Rod Beaumont claimed to be a monk and yoga guru

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