Daily Record


TOP TRAINERS FOR CARSTAIRS PATIENTS Staff are treated like ‘personal shoppers’ for £140 Nike shoes

- BY JANE HAMILTON Crime Reporter

PATIENTS at Scotland’s state hospital are splurging hundreds of pounds a week on designer gear – using nursing staff as “their own personal shoppers”.

The patients, among some of the most dangerous in the country, are splashing benefits cash on high-end Nike trainers which cost upwards of £140.

The latest craze has led some staff to complain they are “personal shoppers for the criminally insane” after patients constantly ask them to check sportswear websites and Amazon so they can order the trainers.

A source said: “They are going through a phase of spending hundreds of pounds on trainers.

“One gets something, so the others want it. Before you know it, loads of patients are asking the nursing staff to go online and then order through the procuremen­t department.”

The source added: “Loads of patients are flush because they are entitled to claim full benefits, so they have money to spend on luxuries because the hospital provides all their basics. Their benefits cash soon mounts up – we know of some patients who have five and six figure sums in their bank accounts. The latest craze is Nike 97s, 270s & 720s. Then it will be something else they must have.

“When you think of pensioners struggling to pay bills, other folk being brutally cut off from their payments and being made homeless, it’s sickening.

“It pays well to be locked up in Carstairs. They get everything provided for them without having to spend their benefits payments and constantly have nursing staff going on to the computer checking Amazon, Sports Direct, JD Sports. It’s like being personal shoppers for the criminally insane.”

Another source said: “If these people were in prison due to their criminal records, they wouldn’t be allowed to do this. But because they’re mentally ill, they are not classed as prisoners but patients, so they can buy what they like as long as it’s not deemed a health and safety risk to themselves or staff.”

Earlier this year, we revealed the Scottish Government is reviewing the delivery of forensic mental health services, which sparked fears the hospital could close.

Mental Health Minister Clare Haughey has set up a group to carry out the review, which could see some patients moved to medium secure units.

It comes after whistleblo­wers at Carstairs contacted the Record to highlight concerns, including dangers staff face from violent patients.

We revealed that the cost of keeping a patient at the hospital, run by its own health board, has doubled in the past 10 years.

Patient numbers have halved, while the £30million annual budget has been maintained. Haughey said changes in the way forensic mental health services are delivered means a review is timely.

Management at the hospital were ordered by the Government to get their house in order following the string of allegation­s including attacks on staff and patients.

Hospital chiefs insist that patients are within their rights to purchase clothing from shops on the outside.

A spokeswoma­n for Carstairs said: “All patients in forensic mental health settings in Scotland are entitled to benefits.

“The hospital shop sells healthy living items including clothing and footwear but the range is very limited.

“As patients are encouraged to conduct their own affairs, those with available funds often choose to use the external purchasing system to buy clothes and footwear of their choice.”

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 ??  ?? WEARING Staff are asked to check prices online. Left, our stories of the issues at Carstairs
WEARING Staff are asked to check prices online. Left, our stories of the issues at Carstairs

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