Daily Record

Fascist group capitalise on Brexit tensions


GENERATION Identity appears to be copying Greek fascist group Golden Dawn, which uses street work and charity to try to gain credibilit­y.

The extremists campaign to preserve “our ethnocultu­ral identity” against what it describes as the “great replacemen­t” of white people in Britain’s cities.

Last year, members of Generation Identity Alba/Scotland were spotted at a pro-Brexit rally organised by rightwing extremist Tommy Robinson.

The group are trying to capitalise on tensions over Brexit by spewing propaganda that white Scots are threatened by immigratio­n and “Islamisati­on”.

Members of the European branch of the group were recently filmed carrying out attacks on young Arabs, including a teenage girl, and making Nazi salutes in France.

In 2018, Jacob Bewick of Generation Identity Alba/Scotland was exposed as an alleged former associate of National Action.

Anti-fascist group Hope not Hate said Bewick was photograph­ed at fascist marches and that his Twitter account contained “numerous Nazi and pro-National Action posts”.

Previously, an undercover investigat­ion by the Record and investigat­ive website The Ferret revealed that neo-Nazi group Scots Dawn was influenced by Generation Identity.

A Scottish Dawn activist was secretly filmed talking to our undercover reporter about Generation Identity. Ruaidhri McKim said: “It’s a patriotic nationalis­t organisati­on but without all the old-fashioned skinheads, basically.

“It’s like a new movement for young people that isn’t attached to all this past.”

In January, Generation Identity put up posters at universiti­es in Glasgow in a bid to recruit members.

One of the posters, which were removed, said: “You are not alone. Patriots walk amongst you. Join the patriotic revolution.”

The Record revealed three years ago that fanatic Gary Crane was luring youngsters into his group.

The UK leader of the ultra-hardline worldwide Right Wing Resistance movement, 50, tried to create a Scots “army” of foot soldiers to his bigoted cause.

A young mum targeted by skinhead Crane, who has a tribute to Hitler tattooed across his neck, revealed how he pretended to befriend youths in Glasgow city centre.

Mum Shannon Kelieff, 22, said Englishman Crane approached youngsters and ranted about “Hitler and white supremacy and all this disgusting

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